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Retrogames links section - always expanding ! If you know a site worth to be mentiones here - email me. Btw, we cannot be held responsible for the content of the listed sites. But I guess you already knew that :)
Emuviews - Great emulation page maintained by JoseQ, maker of the famous Rumor Mill, many downloads, great layout - some hosted sites !
EmuHQ - Fantastic news site, many hosted sites, PeterD and bwb are a great team !
Arcade ROM Heaven - Great download resource, "MAME needed soon" section - Guru-Choc is a really nice australian guy - some hosted sites !
CPS2Shock - Razoola and his team finally succeeded in breaking the encryption on the CPS-2 arcade board system from Capcom.
Final Burn - Dave's killer emulator, emulates After Burner 2 and the first CPS2 "release" Street Fighter Zero. Dave also made a great Genesis emulator, called DGen.
Geoshock - Katharsis offers everything from news to downloads en masse ! Great site because I was a team member for 6 months :)
Sys2064 - Great arcade news site. Till is the maker of the MAME fixfiles !
Vintage Gaming - formerly known as Dave's Classics ! My first homepage - still worth to visit.
EmuCamp - Some news and lots of hosted sites !
Good site because I made my first news posting there :-)
Emulation 9 - fantastic japanese news site, maintained by Navarone "The News Machine" !
WWEmu - Great news site - frequently updated.
Zophar's Domain - Great news site, excellent emulator sections (if you can't find it there, you won't find it anywhere). Translation patches and utilities and console music archives for NSF, GYM and SPC music !
Mame World - Everything about MAME - many hosted sites !
PSXEmu - THE SITE for everything around Playstation emulation
Emuholic - Good news site
DarkMazda's Domain - Good news site!
Emuunlim - Very nice site, news, extra stuff and many hosted sites !
MAME - The mother of all emulators!
Raine - The fastest DOS arcade emu + hosted sites
Linux RAINE fans go here.
MAME32 Q&A - The MAME32 QA/Test & Art Dept. has everything for MAME32 !
Kinox - Good News Site, some hosting
Romlist - Lots of arcade dumps and NeoGeo Releases! Last update 03/2k !
ClrMamePro - Roman Scherzer's ROM-manager is a blast !
RomCenter - Verify and maintain your ROM collection with this great tool made by Eric bole-Feysot !
TKmame - VERY cool MAME frontend
M.A.R.P - Mame Action Replays! You might wanna check this site out
Emulatronia - Emulation news and a lot more, all in Spanish :)
Emu Sphere - Lotsa emulation news, updated several times a day!
German Emu News - Read all about it in German (oder Deutsch ;)!
SubPort.Org - The no.1 GameBoy Color Site.
Game FAQs - You have a question - LOOK THERE ! Help for every imaginable gaming systems is online.
KEJIMAJIANGMI - Everything about Mahjong aka Majiang - explainations how to play, rules ... available in Finnish too.
Monroeworld - Home of Insert Coin and Retro Radio to name but two :)
SMS Power - Omar Cornut's (Zoop) legendary Sega 8-bit resource. A must visit for every serious Master System, Game Gear fan.
Meka - Zoop's awesome Master System / Game Gear / Colecovision emulator.
The Dutch MAME Page - for the serious Dutch arcade fan - Nieuwsgierig geworden ?
RC-Roms - The biggest Domain Public roms on the net, 1st site with all PD Goodroms.
Classic Video Games Database - Need info about an arcade game - LOOK THERE !
Lando's C16/PLUS4 Classixs - Largest online resource for Commodore C-16 and the Plus4.
E-Maculation - Devoted to the emulation of Apple Macintosh computers on the (mainly) Intel (x86) platform.
SegaMad - Three guys, one love - Sega !
Eidolon's Inn - Sega, Sega, Sega and a bit of MULE - thats his rule :)
WebMAD This is the ABANDONWARE capital of the world.
Fight-Me Submit your highscores ! Beat-em Ups rules !
--- Museums / Archives / Graphics Sites ---
Videogame Museum - The Videogame Museum offers you ten-thousands of screenshots, scans and more !
ROAR! - ROAR!, the first The Videogame Museum, always worth a look :)
MAMEICONS.COM - MAMu_'s MAMEicons, you can't live without them !
RIPS-R-US - Rips of game characters! Very nice and worth a look !
NEO-GEO Grafx - Awesome sprite rips !
--- Translation News and Sites ---
The Whirlpool - My first visit when I look for news and patches !
J2e Translations - They gave me Fire Emblem Gaiden :)
DeJap Translations - Tales of Phantasia, nuff said
AGTP - "The Aeon Genesis Translation Proclamation" site whatever it means :) Gideon Zhi is a talented hacker and finished many translation projects !
-rpgd- - Great news page, lost of content - online since ages :)
Lina`chan, Nuku-Nuku & Filia's Translation Domain - Seiken Densetsu 3 in english + Magic Knight Rayearth AND Sailor Moon RPG :)
SGC - Good News site, translation patches in many different languages online.
G-Trans - German ROM Tranlations - Übersetzt für EUCH ins Deutsche !
--- C-64 Related Sites & Emulators ---
Lemon - Kim Lemon has them all - brilliant site - a must visit ! Laner's Electric Mayhem - Great C-64 site. - Excellent site fully dedicated to the C-64 and the gamebase64 front-end, offers some mega rare stuff !
Redump64 - Releases games in tap format !
C64 Emulatoren & Spiele - Nice german site - in DEUTSCH !
CCS64 homepage - The BEST emulator available for DOS and Windows
Vice homepage - Great emulator - many ports available !
C64S homepage - Old - but still good - commercial emu (I've registered it).
Come Back 64 homepage - Freeware emu with lots of ports.
--- Game and Anime Music / Music Players ---
BIGmog - You like Anime and Video Game Music ? You'll like BIGmog :) Go and get some game mp3's, remixes, listen to the BIGmog RADIO and more !
ExosticA! - A huge Amiga website full of classic and great Amiga Music in every possible file format ! Excellent !!!
Parn's Music Station - Parn is a great artist, I love his remixes :)
Meridian - My favourite NSF & GYM player - listen to the top NES songs in STEREO !
C64AUDIO.COM - More than a GIGABYTE of C-64 remixes, Chriss Abbott rules.
Gamingforce Audio - Original Sound Tracks from many CD based games are here to Find (and much much more).
Super Jukebox - Marius Fodor's fantastic SPC music player for Windows.
DeliPlayer - Awesome music player which is able to play ~ 160 music formats !
The SID Homepage - Dedicated to the legendary Commodore 64 soundchip SID ! Last updated 2 years ago, but still a nice place to visit.
SIDPLAY - Stand alone C-64 music player - hear your SID music in STEREO - available for many Operation Systems.
OverClocked ReMix - A must for every friend of game music - David Lloyd has a HUGE remix archive online.
The novAurora Dominion - Huge PC music archive (mp3, midi and mods).
Game Music Network - RPG related mp3 tracks !
Bart - Bart Klepka's Game Remixes site for PC games related music.
--- Amiga Sites & Emulators ---
Back to the Roots - Probably the best Amiga site today - all content is legal and there are tons of stuff online.
WinUAE homepage - Windows port of UAE the best Amiga emulator.
Amiga - Home of the new Amiga company.
Ninja's AGA World - Large collection of AGA chipset games.
Amiga Emulation Zone - Shane R. Monroes site is one of my faves - go and request your games :)
Hi Toro - the home of Cafe - Commodore Amiga Front End and home of the Cafe Collection, hoping to be the largest database of Amiga games.
Amiga Legal Emulation - Malc Jennings fine legal Amiga page (many freeware games and demos).
CD 32 Legal Dumping Projekt - Get your legal Amiga CD32 ISOs there.
Amiga Memory - Near death, but still online.
Ami Sector One - Licensed legal games including many commercial titles.
World of Cracktros - Amiga cracktros collection.
A.G.N.U.S - Amiga news, games & utilities.
WinFellow - Excellent Amiga emulator.
--- Atari Sites & Emulators ---
The Little Green Desktop - The ONE and ONLY site for every serious Atari ST fan.
Holme's Atari 8bit Games - Everything for Atari's 8-bit computers - largest Atari XL game archive. - Home of STew, a follow up to WinSTon - great Atari ST emu, nice news section.
The Lynx Lagoon - Atari Lynx tribute page, good resource.
Steem Engine - New Atari ST emulator, very promising.
--- Game / Fan / Tribute / Links Sites ---
EmuLynx - The Internet's most comprehensive [maybe :)] listing of emulation and emulation-related websites.
Lee's PeeknPoke - Nice arcade devoted fan site.
Thalion Webshrine - Famous Atari ST and Amiga developer. Lots of background info and downloads (incl. the games).
After Burner - Sin's japanese After Burner tribute.
PKS2000 Homepage - You're looking for a nice CDR cover for your ROM cd's - look no further !
Ultimate - Everything about Ultimate the maker of Sabre Wulf, Atic Atac, Knight Lore and Underwurlde. Never heard about them ? Mabye you know them as RARE !
Toaplan Arcade Game Index - Everything about Toaplan's shooter.
Wonder Land - Wonder Boy tribute page.
--- Arcade Hardware ---
Saint's Arcade Control FAQs - A great site to learn about building arcade controls and cabinets.
HanaHo - Home of the famous HotRod arcade joystick.
--- Spectrum / BBC Electron / Amstrad CPC related sites ---
WOS - The World of Spectrum. The BEST Spectrum site in the whole web !
The Stairway To Hell - Your source for BBC Micro and Electron information and games.
The Congraturations Archive - Cool Spectrum Game endings (snapshots).
ZX - Malc Jennings cool Spectrum fan site.
Spectrum Power - Spanish Spectrum Games site .
Everything below is old and unverified
TheDump Big NeoGeo/TG-16 archive, but noone seems to be able to download anything ?
RealArcadeArt Pics of Arcade cabinets that can be used with Frontends like TKmame!
AcidFonts Awesome collection of fonts! (not really emu related, but who cares ;)
Misterred's 411 Lotsa cool interviews!
Nexus NeoGeo review site!
NeoShack Nice NeoGeo site, with news, savestates and a nice gallery
Classic Gaming Conversions Reviews of Classic Games and its conversions to other systems
Spoonman's NeoGeo Page Excellent NEOGEO site, with lotsa news and other neogeo related things!
EliteGamer by Dragonyen Behind-the-Scenes information on emulation!
PC Arcade Quality emulation news!
Stupid Video Game Stuff A MUST SEE!!
Basara's Basara's World of Macross D7 and NeoGeo emulation
News-U-Lator Emulation news and interviews!
Ultimate News and Emulators Excellent News site, probably more updated then Retrogames :P
CyberJedi's Arcade Control Site Another great site to learn about building arcade controls.
Too Much Tang Excellent news site, with a VERY cool design !
Gaming Express Rare roms, roms rotate every Wednesday.
Megatron Web This site covers emulation, manga, music and more - en Espanol!
NES-TV Nintendo Roms. Odd Design. Non-sensical Reviews
TechnoToPus Emulation Pretty groovy emulation site with a cool design :)
JUK's TOTAL Total emulation :)
NeoGeo CD Covers Guess :)
Jag's Video Game zone A site dedicated to the NES and SMS
Sly DC's Domain A French emulation site.
StormCade Classy news and links site
Linx One of those must-visit links sites :)
World Wide Emulation Up-to-date news site!
The Sonic Psycho Lots of noise! Bloody pukka :)
Little Penny's Lair Lots of emulation and HOCKEY news!
Living Suede's Emulation Emu news and host to the Organization of People Against Leonardo DiCaprio. Winner in my book ;)
MAME Warp Snapshot archive for use with MAME
EMURATAS Spanish emulation site!
Al's Arcade Al has a lot of arcade/pinball machines, some are for sale/trade!!
Mad Max's Shoutcast Page LOUD LOUD MUSIC!
Rom-Store Mucho roms and stuff :)
Longevity's Digital Arcade This is a MUST-VISIT site!
Emuworld Lots of roms and emunews
Fernwood Lots of stuff, inclusing SMS roms :)
Emu Source Fairly big site, with lots of roms
Jon's Cyberball Page A site dedicated to Cyberball!
The UberNeuman Photo Gallery These edited photos will make you laugh or yell :)
Fatal Order The official site for the metal band FATAL ORDER
Classic Arcade Game Playing Guides Page Guess :)
The Half-Life Novelization Project Trying to answer those hard to answer questions about Half-Life.
Bleep bleep ... Misc video game stuff This site has a few cool nimations and 3D pics of "vintage" arcade games.
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