Q.Dear Doc Emu, where can I get the leaked IMPACT EMU beta?!?! Tell me or I will report you to the authorities for PIRACY!!
A. You's do dat, I'll tell de audo'ities where dey kin pick down yo' momma - on de co'na' of 24d and main! Right on! Punk!
Q. What is this "Emulator" thing? And how many batteries does it take?
A. An emulato' be sump'n yo' momma uses, ax' ha' how many batteries it snatch'd.
Q. Is Raine 0.28f really the last release of Raine ?
A. It betta' not be, o' me and mah' homies gots'ta t'cut Richard Bush some visit ...
Q. Hey doc, word has it that you be sexy!
A. You's gots no idea whut it's likes, bein' dis fine - de honky chicks drow demselves at me! Right on! ah' love it! Right on!
Q. what is... the matrix?
A. No Capitals ? Capital Punishment fo' ya'! Right on!
Q. Does a turtle's fart smell ?
A. Yeah, but it sneaks down on ya', cuz' it's slow, so cut me some slack, Jack. Nasty, real nasty. Slap mah fro!
Q. Updated ?
A. Downdated! Right on!
Q. what is the difference between me ?
Didn't ah' tell ya' t'use CAPITALS last time ?! Right on!
Q. How come Mortal Kombat II isn't emulated correctly in MAME ?
A. Ax' JDR, he dinks he knows.
Q. Hey doc, have you witnessed the phenomenon that is Britey Spears?
A. Ax' Britney how she likesd da damn my to'nado! Right on!
Q. Oh yeah, are her breats real ?
A. Is de wiz' muslim ?
Q. Why is Mr. T cooler than you ?
A. I taught him everydin' he knows, ah' am de kin'
Dis be me, signin' off, be sho' man t'mail me some mo'e quesshuns! Right on! Now quit jivin' me. (Just mail me and I will forward all mails to Doc Emu - Atila)