Thanks to Hawq for the last few news pieces.
- MetaFox
Reality Launcher 1.2 - Reality Launcher, the front end for the RealityBoy, has been updated.
- MetaFox
olafnes 1.1f - olafnes, the NES emulator, has been updated.
- MetaFox
Sunday, June 19th 2005 - Last updated @ 22:54 EST
PotatoMulti Testbuild (19-06-2005) - PotatoMulti is a new project that aims to create a multi-system, driver based emulator in Java.
- MetaFox
openMSX 0.5.2 - NesterJ, the MSX emulator, has been updated.
- MetaFox
NesterJ PSP 1.04 - NesterJ, the NES emulator for PSP, has been updated.
- MetaFox
Genesis PSP 0.11 - Genesis, the Genesis emulator for PSP, has been updated.
- MetaFox
Free42 1.3.11 - Free42, a free reimplementation of HP calculators for PalmOS, Linux, and Win32, has been updated.
- MetaFox
Dualis r10 - Dualis, a NintendoDS emulator for Win32, has been updated.
- MetaFox
JavaBoy 0.92 - Javaboy, a Gameboy emulator for Java, has been updated.
- MetaFox
DGen PSP 0.01 - DGen PSP, a new Genesis emulator for PSP has been released.
- MetaFox
blueMSX 2.3.0 - BlueMSX, a MSX emulator has been updated.
- MetaFox
FlareStorm 2.0 - FireStorm, a PSOne emulator for MacOS has been updated.
- MetaFox
Genesis PSP 0.01 - Genesis, a new Genesis emulator for PSP has been released.
- MetaFox
PCE PSP 0.62 - PCE, the PCEngine/TG-16 emulator for PSP, has been updated.
- MetaFox
NesterJ PSP 1.03 - NesterJ, the NES emulator for PSP, has been updated.
- MetaFox
iDeaS - iDeaS, the NintendoDS emulator, has been updated.
- MetaFox
Hercules Snapshot 06-19-2005 - Hercules, the IBM Mainframe emulator, has recieved another CVS Daily Win32 build.
- MetaFox
Thursday, June 16th 2005 - Last updated @ 23:17 EST
Reip MAME WIP - Reip updated his WIP page with a news that he fixed the remaining gfx problems in Championship Bowling, and screenshots showing the emulation.
- MetaFox
Charles MacDonald WIP - Charles MacDonald updated his WIP page with news regarding System 32 decryption. He has been using Aaron's V60 assembler to develop test programs for the Sega System 32 platform, and has recieved boards related to the study of the decryption: two DBZ V.R.V.S boards and a System Multi 32 "Title Fight" board. He is looking for reccomendations for a decent cheap EPROM eraser, so if anyone has any suggestions, let him know.
- MetaFox
Haze MAME WIP - Haze updated his WIP page with news and screenshots of a game by a Korean developer running on a Semicom board, named "Final Tetris". Haze mentioned that it appears to be protected as the inputs don’t work at the moment.
- MetaFox
NES Translation: Little Ghosts 1.0 - KingMike released a complete translation of a puzzle game for the NES/Famicom by VAP.
Famicom Disk System Translation: Sword of Kalin 1.0 - KingMike released a complete translation of an RPG for the Famicom Disk System by Square.
- MetaFox
Reality Boy 0.82 alpha 2 - Reality Boy, a Virtual boy emulator, has been updated.
- MetaFox