Russian president Vladimir Putin has banned Microsoft operating systems from the country's armed forces and military-industrial complexes! Seems Putin is a very smart cookie, I just wish Clinton would follow Putin's lead and ban Windoze from being used in the US. Click here to read the full story.
- chris
David Swofford, the Origin Public Relations person, has confirmed the rumors that Richard Garriott, aka Lord British, is leaving Origin Systems (no, it isn't an April Fools):
"Yes, Richard has decided to leave Origin to pursue other interests but he's not made any definite plans. We have eliminated 20 positions here at Origin, but it is having no impact on Ultima Online Live or Ultima Online 2."
Sad news indeed. :( Thanks to Caffeine for bringing this to our attention.
- dutch
ViBE is a dynamic recompiling Virtual Boy emulator for Power Macintosh that can run at 500 frames per second on an iMac. The emulator itself is not available to the public yet, but more than 200 screenshots showing ViBE running lots of different VB games are online for you to see.
- richard
- Fixed -keys option. - Fixed again MBC3&HuC3 clock. - Fixed a CPU speed change. - Added a show message.
- dutch
We will not pull any weird April Fool's stunts, because it's our birthday tomorrow :)
- atila
MacMame 0.36 is out, now in synch with the DOS port. Here's what else is new:
- MacMAME now recognizes a new folder: "Misc Support Files". It expects to find all the miscellaneous data files thave have no other home in there (cheat.dat, history.dat, mameinfo.dat, etc). The file is also now expected to live there as well, instead of its prior home in the "Screenshots" folder. [Brad Oliver] - Pressing Command-leftarrow and Command-rightarrow in the front-end will now cycle through the tabbed panes. [Brad Oliver] - New report options to generate lists of non-working games and games that have been flagged with imperfect or incomplete emulation. [Brad Oliver]
Thanks to SYS2064 for the news, you can download the binary and source code from our MAME page (edited by Atila).
- atila
The Flash released ROM Doctor 0.986, his newest emu utility that does ROM merging via ftp for multiple PC's and renaming via a Good tools frontend for Cowering's famous renaming utilities! He makes some really nice free utilities so you might like to explore his other offerings as well.
- prophet
Alucard's Abode posted news and a screenshot about Project Hyperion, supposedly a new Sega Saturn emu for Windows! It only gets as far as the Saturn logo at this point. I personally have no way to verify the validity of this emu, but you never know... (Thanks MiniSonik)
- prophet
The Official Raine site was updated with a cryptic message about "the afterlife" & not being able to "cheat death." I have no idea what we're supposed to think... (Thanks Caffeine)
- prophet
K.o.F. Perfect was updated with a new "Garou:MotW" screensaver! There's also some new CD cover scans & icons. Lotsa cool NeoGeo multimedia - check it out.
- prophet
Tomorrow will be 2 years old! Another fine opportunity to break out the champagne :)
- atila
DC.IGN has posted pricing information and the first pics (!!) of the Genesis/PCE emulator running games on the Sega Dreamcast. Check out the link above!
- atila
GLTron 0.59 released! Online are binaries for Linux, Win32, and MacOS! Here's what's new:
Other: -very cool new model from Charles Babbage -levels-of-detail for the model -configure keyboard controls (not saved between games yet) -added volume settings for music / fx to Audio menu -used wall & floor texture from Nicolas Zimmermann -(optional) sound effects, SDL version only -added trail decals on solid trails (option) -added trail bow before cycle -changed GUI background -resized menu (dynamic size now) -added screenshot function (F12 - disabled on MacOS) -fixed lightcycle going backwards (if you liked the old way better, that's an option now) -added arena overview camera mode when dead -GNU autoconf WOOO! WOOO! -textures in png format
To go along with that release of GoodN64 V0.986 (BETA), Kirkland has made N64Sort v.1, which will sort all of the ROMs in the N64Ren directory. Run the batch files IN that directory, NOT the same directory as GoodN64.exe. The batch files will sort and unsort your ROMs into appropriate subdirectories, give the readme file a look for complete explanations.
- dutch
The VZ200 Emulator for DOS has been updated to version 1.3. This emulates the "Laser" or "Texet TX8000" 200/300 computers, including: "34k RAM (maximum available), mode0 & mode1 graphics, sound (via PC speaker), keyboard, joystick (via PC arrow keys)." Thanks to Mr. Opi for the news. :)
- dutch
Squeem version 0.06 has been released, this is a small, fast (but at the moment not so compatible? :) emulator for Windows. The what's new list is pretty big.. ("Added fameskip-ish thing..." :), check the homepage for the full list.
- dutch
Got Wallpaper? Bet you don't have any like the kind Cinder made.. :) We'd like to welcome Cinder's Wallpaper Archive to retrogames (at, and he's got some sweeeeeeeeeeeeet wallpapers online... stop by and have a look!
- dutch
Are you having sound problems with Mame32 v.36? John mentions: "Verify that you have gotten the latest DirectX drivers for your soundcard and that you have experimented w/ Midas vs DirectSound and TripleBuffering. Failing that email me w/ your OS, soundcard, settings, other pert. info, and repro cases for the bad sound so I get the data points to the devs."
- dutch
SadNES32 0.13 Demon Edge has been released: "...New on SadNES 32, Skin Support, now comes with 1 default skin, a bit speed up (just a little bit)." Atomic Bomberman also mentioned that Ti-B0ne quit the project and Aeris is on vacation right now. Sorry to hear it A.B. :(
- dutch
You're right Opi, that is damn cool. Wow! :)
- dutch
The Beaf asked me if I've ever heard of the Killer List of Videogames (KLOV) database. While I'm sure some of you have, I haven't, so I thought I'd mention it here. This is a HUGE online database in html format of tons of classic and not-classic arcade games. It includes a cool search function, a text version, and there is also a place where you can submit entries that are not in the database.
- dutch
WiLD_'s EmuHappenings is almost at it's 25,000 visitor... if it's you, be sure to take a screenshot and mail him. :)
- dutch
Quantum3D has released a multi-game system called Ultracade. This is a pre-built upright cabinet that comes with a 27" VGA monitor and its own system software, which runs original arcade games off of "game packs" on CD ROM. The system comes with eight Capcom titles: 1942, Vulgus, Trojan, Gunsmoke, Ghosts’ n Goblins, Higemaru, Legendary Wings and Section Z. The system costs $2,999 and the games packs are $249 each. It does seem expensive to me, but to be fair I'd really need to see it and try it out to make a fair judgement. There are currently 3 other Capcom Game Packs and 1 Taito Game Pack available for it.
- dutch
BouKiCHi has released DBoy 0.58, as usual, I am unable to translate the Japanese what's new info. Thanks to Kosh for the news.
- dutch
Tomorrow's Heroes has posted Bit Age Time Issue #7: "This month we look at the upcoming video game war! It looks to be a doozy with Sega, Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft pitted against each other. Also, we continue to Top 50 list as we surpass the halfway point. We also spotlight two more sites and more! So stop in and take a read!"
- dutch
The Handy Homepage has been updated! It seems we may eventually see a new release of the world's greatest (and only?) Atari Lynx emulator! Yay! =) (Thanks Emuviews)
- prophet
Thursday, March 30th 2000 - Last updated @ 20:00 EST
Zach set up a new site called There aren't any ROMs on the site ;), but, there's lots of information posted you might find handy.
- dutch
Due to popular demand, Dave Ewing has set up a MESS mailing list for users. Feel free to use this list for comments, suggestions, bug reporting etc. as several of the MESSDEVs have subscribed.... more info here.
- richard
Here it is... GoodN64 V0.986 (BETA) by Cowering, with a total of 877 ROMs recognized! Nice job to both Cowering and also Kirkland who worked for 3 weeks on the naming. ;) It is my understanding that the database in GoodN64 includes many clean redumps. Cowering mentions you might want to use this on zipped files, as it works about 20 times faster.
- dutch
If you have a minute to spare (okay okay, 90 seconds), please check out our little survey above, it's on the right side of 'ye olde banner', which you can also click if you want ;)
- atila
The people at DIV Arena have posted a demo of DIV GAMES STUDIO, the "make your own game" software.
- atila
Gridle has once again the MAME WIP page; Professor PacMan anyone ?
- atila
It's been a while since I last plugged the chat room and it is kinda lonely in there right now, so I thought this would be a good time :)
- atila
The Register has done a story on MAMED/MESSD, the MAME derivative for digital cameras. Thanks to coo|s for the link.
- atila
I've been trying to get my cable modem working in BeOS for the past 3 hours, it's kinda driving me crazy. I think I configured it correctly, yet I couldn't even ping I got a bogstandard 3Com card (PCI) and a nice Terayon cablemodem. anyone wanna help me out ?
- atila
CPC4X 0.21 is an AMSTRAD CPC emulator for X11. Use your old software, play games, print to files, choose freely between 64, 128 or 567k of CPC RAM, and load 3rd Party ROMs, replacements or addons and disk images.
- chris
Ever wanted to use your Sega Saturn or PSX controllers on your Dreamcast ? Guess what, now you can! Click here or here to see these lovely converters, which also have VMU ports btw. Thanks to Darrius G. and Alan K. for the links.
- atila
- Compiled with the newest DJGPP (everything's much better), hence LFN (Long FileNames) are supported - Fixed a CHR switching bug from 1.04 in mapper #1 (Bigfoot is ok again) - Fixed a stupid CHR/PRG page select bug in mapper #255 (more games work) - Fixed PRG bank switching (some values were being truncated) - Fixed MMC3 (mapper #4) 4-screen mirroring (Gauntlet works fine), and a bug with CHR bankswitching, now Taito Chase HQ works with no gfx corruption - Added/fixed mapper #19 support (preliminary, thanks Nori for the info) - Fixed mapper #70 (mirroring bug) - Added mapper #41 (Clatron / Myriad Games 6 in 1 unlicensed cart), untested, thanks to K.Horton for the info - Removed SaveRAM write-protection when a trainer is present (hacked japanese Parodius works fine again) - A couple of bugs fixed, general junk removed, a lot of code cleaned - Documentation slightly changed.
- dutch
Atari will be releasing Arcade Hits #2 next week. This package will retail for $19.95 and will also include Arcade hits #1 for a total of twelve games: Pong, Missle Command, Asteroids, Asteroids Deluxe, Battlezone, Gravitar, Centipede, Millipede, Tempest, Super Breakout, Warlords, and Crystal Castles. As usual, Mike Stulir of Back in Time has gotten a prerelease copy and has lots more info about it.. go have a look. :)
- dutch
Congratulations to Sir Jaguar, whose site just hit 500,000 visitors. To celebrate, he has released all mp3 tracks of DBZ and Saphire on TG16. Nice going good Sir Jaguar! :)
- dutch
Bcass has opened a new site called Project AY: "A new site has just been posted at World Of Spectrum, covering the music of the ZX Spectrum. This site plays host to a vast array of information, an MS-DOS player and hundreds of accurately extracted game music files. The player (AYPLAY) plays back actual Spectrum music code giving the best play back quality possible, while the music files themselves contain relevant details such as credits and track titles. This is the first time a truly concerted effort has been made to gather all the music ever created on the ZX Spectrum, and with support, it is hoped that the size and accuracy of the collection can be increased."
- dutch
Wednesday, March 29th 2000 - Last updated @ 16:10 EST
ClrMAME Pro 1.2a released! Here's what's new in this release of this excellent multi-emu rom manager: changed RAINE it's damn fast (Thanks Logiqx), major sourcecode cleanup
Also be sure to check out MAME WORLD while you're at it :)
- atila
Finally, we will be able to use an file in Mame32. :)
- dutch
Warmtoe informed me that his cool frontend project has a new home at Total Emulation! His frontend is now called Hyper (v1.1 recently released!) and is truly unique and worth a look - it basically deepscans your hard drive for emu goodies, then sets up an editable HTML frontend! Total flexibility through HTML, gotta love the concept. =) I haven't tried it yet, but that's only cause I'm lazy.
- prophet
I just had to mention BBH's Shock Therapy, a great tribute page to Saurus' "Shock Troopers" series for the NeoGeo MVS. I totally agree with BBH on the quality of this game!
- prophet
May I remind those of you who downloaded FreeBe only to find out you don't have room on your C: drive, Core Linux is feely available for download, and can be installed in any directory.
- chris
*UPDATE*Many people have mailed me that BeOS CAN be installed on any partition, not just the C: drive. Good news indeed. Here's the original post: I wanted to download BeOS 5, but once I read the FAQ I decided not to. Well not until I have a new HD, since it requires 600MB (!!) free on the C: drive. Kinda sucks when you have 150MB left on the C: drive, but still have over 2GB on D: and E:
- atila
Genesis Power dumped Castlevania Bloodlines US, known as Castlevania The New Generation in England and Akumajo Dracula Vampire Killer in Japan.
- dutch
Vortendo 1.0 Bacteria has been released at the homepage, it now includes a mapper identifier so you can have a good clue as to whether or not a ROM is supported. It also includes frameskip saving, and some core bugfixes. Give it a spin! :)
- dutch
Trash spent long hours on a guest strip he made for Gamemarks. After the time and effort he put into it, it's only fair that I mention it here. ;)
- dutch
The MEP Crew has opened a MSX Games Database, with over 1300 games available for download!
- dutch
I would like to congradulate Harry Tuttle of The Dump, whose site just celebrated its third birthday. Way to go Harry, and remember, we're all in this together... ;)
- dutch
Paul Robinson of Fleecing Krazmontrats sent me the following message: "I saw your backstreet boys article and our band came up with a response. Note: from the same band that brought 'wassup thrash song.'" Enjoy. :)
- dutch
Tuesday, March 28th 2000 - Last updated @ 05:32 EST
The Gamers Advocate Group site (hosted here at Retrogames) has been updated. System troubles kept Michael from updating the site (although the newsletter was sent to subscribers).
- atila
Gridle updated the Mame WIP page again! Those Airduel (M72) screenshots look nice! :)
- dutch
Congratulations, Guru-Choc. All I have to say is you're nuts. ;))
- dutch
Cowering released GoodPCE 0.986 Beta, now recognizing 916 entries! Remember that Digitoxin also has all of the utilities conveniently archived over at ROM Collectors Anonymous. Thanks guys. :)
- dutch
Just wanted to send out some special messages, first to Emucamp and their third birthday! Yes, three years ago in March 1997 I was still working as an database programmer for a seed company, while Zoop was opening Master System Camp. :) Nice going guys.
Also to Dave of Vintage Gaming, whose site recently hit 40 million hits! Dave's Classics has been around since February of 1996, making it over 4 years old. Dave's Classics was probably the most influential site for me as far as my "scene history" is concerned. :) Join me in wishing Dave a big H4W, KTHX. ;)
- dutch
Gridle has released Hiscore.dat 2.5 for use with Mame. Just unzip the file and put the hiscore.dat file in the same directory as Mame.
- dutch
Yesterday I didn't include a link to the SMYNES page when I updated on their WIP news, sorry about that. :)
- dutch
Microsoft has unvelied Media Player 7. Thanks to Adam Valleskey for letting me know, otherwise it would have been awhile before I checked for an update. ;)
- dutch
DBoy 0.57 has been released, the what's new info is at the homepage, in Japanese of course. :) Thanks to Emucamp for posting the changes by BouKiChi:
ShinobiZ has been very busy this month updating his Sega website with tons of arcade screenshots and flyers. Thanks for the reminder Till. Till also mentions that the Sega System 24 page has been updated with more information on the Sys24 hardware.
- dutch
Roman added more DAT files to the CLRMame Pro page, including MESS .36 RC2 by TAS2012, and NGPC RC1 WIP by Darren Bradbury.
- dutch
Yes, more Spectrum games! Malc Jennings added 48 games to his archive of ZX Spectrum titles! Thanks to Emucamp for the news.
- dutch
Atani Software has released Generator32 .13a, a great Genesis emulator for Win32! It now has windowed video mode, keyboard controls, splash screen, and more! Be sure you have DirectX installed, it needs at least version 5.0!
- dutch
Jandaman has posted a fix for the Voodoo3 card's functionality with Ultrahle over at The fix was made by Walter Mundt, and Jandaman reports that various users tested it and reported perfect graphics and no texture misalignment.
- dutch
Team Japump dumped a whole slew of boards.. 23 of 'em to be exact. Woo-hoo!
- dutch
The day wouldn't be complete without an update from Myzar. Here's his Unofficial Nemu INI version 1.4. "Many games added too long to mention ! Rainbow Six GER it's playble btw :)"
- dutch
Monday, March 27th 2000 - Last updated @ 17:23 EST
I have nothing personal against people working at the Internal Revenue Service (tax office :), but god, I sure do hate y'all!
- atila
In ROM dump news, Genesis Power dumped Bram Stoker's Dracula, and The Guru redumped the NBA TE uj17 ROM image, which should be used in Mame v37b1. Thanks to Guru-Choc for posting it. ;)
- dutch
I've gotten some responses regarding the "patch" for VGS out on Emulatronia. Some are saying that it allows VGS to play CDRs, while others report that the VGS plays some CDRs without the need of a "patch." Pepe from Emulatronia tells me "that patch is not to make the emulator play CDR Backups, it's for play "damaged" cd's. In my computer the emulator doesn't work with some of my psx original cd's, and with that tool they work." If you can't get VGS to play some of your original PSX games, the patch may be worth a try until a new version of VGS is released.
- dutch
Vortendo, a new NES emulator for Win32, has moved over to Zophar's Domain. The new url is, if you bookmarked their old site be sure to update it.
- dutch
Another sitemove, this time for The Webulator, now hosted over at The new URL is (clever logo ;). Also, FDSPray 1.0 Final has been released! It now knows 168 games, and most all bugs should be killed. :) FDSPray is a utility you can use to manage Famicon Disk System images.
- dutch
GEM, a gameboy emulator for the MSX2/turboR running MSX-DOS2, has had an update to version 0.31. Castlevania 3 and Tetris now should work, as well as some sound improvements (channel 3 was too loud previously). It also uses a configuration file now.
- dutch
BillyJr let me know that he and others are currently working on a NES emulator called SMYNES. They plan on a release that will include 100% full sound support + extra sound and NES keyboard support. Currently, they are in need of some help: they need the "Langrange Point" cart (uses VRC7 sound chip), a Nintendo mouse and one cart for it (for mapper 96), and the "Barcode World" cart (along with the hardware system and some cards if possible, for mapper 69.). If you can help, let BillyJr know.
- dutch
Sunday, March 26th 2000 - Last updated @ 15:28 EST
WinAGES 0.17c released! This is the GENESIS-ONLY Version of AGES, as it will have to be perfected before the Sega 32X part can be implemented. Here's what's on the AGES homepage: WinAGES v0.17c (Quark) is available for download. The code name is Quark because the emulator has been stripped to its bare essentials (Genesis emulation only). Anybody wishing to speed up development of AGES can always help me out by testing AGES and making notes for me. Compare AGES's performance to your favorite highly-compatible emulator with rasterFX, Z80 emulation, and sound turned off. If you observe any differences write them down. For now, do not email me about it, I will put up a "contact" page a little later with some guidelines. You can email reports to me then.
Thanks to DJ Jeremy for the news.
- atila
There's a status update on the TRWIN site, together with heap of new screenshots. Thanks to bwb for the news.
- atila
The Cassiopeia E-105 port of Come Back 64 (free, multi-platform Commodore 64 emulator) has been released, here's what's new: Fast/accurate sprite draw routines, partion .T64 file support, DSA mode for fast screen display. HPC, HPC/pro and Unix ports of this emu will be updated ASAP. If you have any comments and/or requests for new features for the Cassiopeia port then please mail Download the port at
- atila
I spoke to my host and we're very close to giving each and every one of YOU a free webbased email address: I think this will be a nice extra service for our visitors and hopefully it'll be available by the end of this week!
- atila
Here's a funny commercial I downloaded from The Stile Project (site is not for the faint at heart). The .mpg is a commercial for Super Timor, which is a bugspray. The video was shot in Ivory Coast, Africa for a local company there. It's in French, but luckily my French was good enough to understand every word they said :) Could this be the next "waaaaaaaassssssssuuuuuuuuuupppppp?!" ?
- atila
There's an update on the Corn site (n64 emu), which shows some nice new features of Corn 0.2, which should be released in a while. Mulit-language support is cool :)
- atila
"The music of the Backstreet Boys and other pop groups are being used by University of Toronto campus police to "torture" students into ending a sit-in in the president's office." ..... 'This is probably the first time the Backstreet Boys have been deliberately used as a form of sleep deprivation torture,' the National Post newspaper quoted protester Sonia Singh as saying." I would leave after the first 3 minutes, the pain must be horrendous. I wonder if the students will sue the university for 'mental abuse' :) Please click here for the full story.
- atila
MAME32 0.36 Final released!!! MAME32 is the Windows 9x/NT/2K port of MAME, now supporting 2048 (2K) ROM sets. Go here for more info and related art files. You might like to visit MAME.DK as well. Hey John IV - I want one of those cheerleaders too! ;-)
- prophet
Mike Green has updated the current version of EmuDX to support PSX Pads! Nice going, Mike. And hang in there!!! :)
- dutch
Mmmmmmm.. games.. :) More C64 tape images to be exact. :) Peepo added Arcadia 64, Batman The Caped Crusader, Championship Wrestling, Crazy Kong, The Curse Of Sherwood, Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters, The Evil Dead, Hunter Patrol, On Cue, Return Of The Jedi, Slap Fight, Space Pilot, Swoop, Transformers and Zaxxon to Redump64.
- dutch
The ZX Spektrum emulator for Windows ZX32 has finally had an update (the last release was on June 22 of last year) to version
-Contented memory effects for the +2A/+3 are now emulated in accordance with the guidelines in the comp.sys.sinclair FAQ. -All 24- and 32-bit color depths are now supported indirectly (i.e. you're missing the 'direct' bit of DirectX when you use them J). Screen update speed for these color modes should be relative to your video adapter's general 2D performance and about 10 times slower than 8-bit color updates.
- dutch
Sick of all the Nemu64 INI's? Merge 'em all into one quickly with the Nemu64 INI File Merger 1.1 by Aldo Vargas. Aldo also has other useful utilities online, such as ones that will convert your memory cards to GameShark format for Bleem! and VGS. Thanks to EmuHQ for the news.
- dutch
Japanese swords, anyone? $2,000 US gets you God's sword, created in the Shinji Shinto Ceremony.
- dutch
The Japanese X68000 Emulator - EX68 (for Win32) - has had an update for version 1.09. Looks like another minor bugfix, but I can't be sure since I didn't take Japanese in college. ;) Thanks to Rain for the news.
- dutch
I don't have the ability to try this, but several people told me about a patch that Emulatronia has posted that supposedly will allow the VGS to work with a CDR backup.
- dutch
Anex86 2.14 is out, and that's about all anyone seems to know. :) Thanks to Emucamp for the news.
- dutch
Missed another dot upgrade yesterday of SNEeSe to version 0.441: "APU skipper: Fixed a nasty bug that caused the emulator to crash upon entering the GUI if the APU skipper was enabled."
- dutch
Einstein II has released version 0.9 of his SNES ROM Renamer. It's still in beta and currently recognizes about 200 ROMs. Thanks to EmuHQ for the news.
- dutch
Lemon has been updated with 101 new C64 games, many of them are rare and can't be found anywhere else! Also, they have selected a winning logo! It's pretty cool, just look at all of the great entries they got! It can be hard to pick just the right one as they are all very well done. Thanks to Peek and Poke for the news.
- dutch
Want to put that DVD you paid $30 for onto a single CD? sent me this link that explains how (using DivX).
- dutch
I read about a version of Mame over at EmuHQ that includes recognition of the 61 Jerky's hacks. :) It's called Mame-EX2.
- dutch
CCS64 2.0B for Win32 DirectX has been released. This update of the Commodore 64 emulator includes DirectX/Win2000 bugfixes, and adds the possibility to change between new and old version of SID.
- dutch
Apologies to all those who have had problems downloading from in the last 24 hours. The server changed machine and I forgot to update the CGI. Oops...!
- richard
MESS has been updated to v0.36rc2. The new version adds three more systems and a slew of bug fixes.
- richard
Hehe... I just discovered a really funny and useful site called! Yeah, it's been around a while but thanks to my "friends" I had no idea. :( Anyway, it's a pretty humorous look at the emu "scene" and also has some serious "content" (lotsa NeoGeo goodies online etc.) as well. Stop playing with Pikachus Dutch.
- prophet
Saturday, March 25th 2000 - Last updated @ 16:46 EST
The Chinese government has (basically) decided to completely ban MP3s, thanks to CD-man for the link.
- atila
Martin Koth, the creator of no$cpc, no$gb has released a 1 year anniversary version of no$msx. You can download it at The MSX Emulation Page.
- atila
Shane Monroe has released a new Retrogaming Radio. This time it's in ASF format and lasts well over 50 minutes. The show is available in streamed format, as well as zipped format.
- atila
Myzar's unofficial INI for Nemu64 is now at version 1.3, playable in this release: F1 World Grand Prix (playable, use dummy Audio Mode), Iggy's Reckin' Balls (playable, no audio), and South Park (dummy Audio mode, bad gfx).
- dutch
Bwb has posted a page over at EmuHQ comparing Bleem! and VGS's rendering of Ogre Battle. While you can see that the highest quality shot comes from Bleem!'s hardware mode, bwb does mention that the game runs too fast for him. The other point I've seen made is that Bleem! can be harder to configure. It will be interesting to see how hardware mode will look on the VGS once it is supported.
- dutch
BeOS 5 is going to have a free release shortly! Thanks to Radioman for the news.
- dutch
Friday, March 24th 2000 - Last updated @ 16:49 EST
BEN-J has posted an interview with Atani of Atani Software. He's the author of, among other things, SegaEMU (SEMU) and Generator32.
- atila
DreamNES has had an update to version 1.8. This includes some timing fixes and adjustments, allowing games like Kick Master and Daiku No Gensun 2 to run. There is a full version and an update version (from version 1.7) available.
- dutch
Small update to yesterday's release of SNEeSe, it's now at version 0.44 with the following update: "Render: Implemented correct sprite priorities (helps MANY ROMs: Chrono Trigger, Super Mario Allstars, Terranigma to name a few)."
- dutch
ROMList would like us to know that they aren't dead. Thanks for the reassurance. :)
- dutch
Today's Divorce Court will show a couple who are having trouble because one of them doesn't want to stop playing with his PSX! Now, if he was smart he would "play" with his girlfriend. Thanks to DrkTetsuya for the link.
- atila
I just noticed on the "what's new" page @ Future Zone that the Dreamcast version of Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation is now available in The Netherlands. I guess this title will help sell lots of new Dreamcasts :) For what it's worth, I played Ridge Racer 5 on the Playstation2 last week. It looked good, but I think it could also have been done on DC :)
- atila
Nemu64 0.7a released!"Here is nemu 0.7a finally. It contains alot of bug fixes and some new features. Enjoy. Read the readme.txt please."
- dutch
Guru-Choc posted quit a bit of news, including very busy activity progressing on Mame v.37b1. He also has a complete list of .35 -> .36 ROM changes online (courtesy of Stefan). There's also some needed soon stuff posted. :)
- dutch
More DAT files have been posted at the ROM Center homepage, including updated SNES, System16, Amiga, NeoRageX, and MESS DAT files. Thanks to EmuHQ for the news.
- dutch
Pete has released Version 1.30 of his TNT OpenGL plugin for PSEmu (remember it will work even if you don't have a TNT card). "'Enable Mask bit detection' option... a nearly never used PSX feature, but hey :)" Thanks to EmuHQ for the news.
- dutch
A new (and free) Gameboy emulator for Windows has been released about a month ago (we missed it) called Otaku No Yen. The current version is 0.3 Alpha. The author mentions "Right now the control doesn't do much, it has a limited number of methods, has some graphical glitches, does not run every game out there, does not support sound or save RAM or link cable." What's unique about this emulator is that it is an Active-X control. There is also a standalone binary available for download as well. Thanks to Marc Hofland for pointing this out.
- dutch
Gridle wanted me to be sure to give Gnutella a mention. If you have tried Napster with the Wrapster hack and like it, you should definitely take a look at this. Search for virtually any kind of file on hunderds of hosts. It's a very small, simple, and powerful program, that I will definitely be playing with more later on. :)
- dutch
Genesis Power follows yesterday's dumps with Ecco Jr. (Children's platter :)
- dutch
Thursday, March 23rd 2000 - Last updated @ 13:57 EST
Amiga fans rejoice! Amiga Emulation Zone has some GOOD news for you: "Amiga Emulation Zone in conjunction with Dark Unicorn Productions ( brings you the FULL REGISTERED versions of two of the HOTTEST selling shareware Amiga games of all time - TOMCAT and DESERT APACHE! First to bring complete interactive FMV action games to the Amiga, DUP offers up these complete versions for download in a read-to-run HDF (hard drive file) format - no installing to Workbench - just mount the drive image and play!"
- atila
Dragon's Lair for the Gameboy Color looks AMAZING! Thanks to |badger| for the link.
- atila
I guess dental floss will be the next item to be put on the banlist in prisons:
"AUSTIN -- A suspected member of a deadly prison gang who is accused of killing a rival gang member last week painstakingly sawed his way out of his cell with dental floss or similar plastic-coated string, a high-ranking official said Monday".
Click here for the full story, thanks to blazemore for the link.
- atila
What is it with girls/women and commitment ?
- atila
Cowering has released GoodNES 0.985! This recognizes 3393 entries. I finally had time to try some of Cowering's utilities recently, and I personally have to say they ROCK. We needed this around for a LONG time. :) Awesome work, Cowering! :)
- dutch
Don't forget, Gridle has the K6 and I686 compiles of Mame version .36 online over at He also has the patched Seal library available there, which should be the same as the one I compiled earlier. :)
- dutch
Nero, a very cool CDR burning program, has been updated to version, adding a VQF encoding option. Thanks to for the news. (I don't see an update on the homepage yet.)
- dutch
Missed the update of the Little John NES Emulator to version 0.2.1, which includes various bugfixes. Online are versions for Linux, Windows, and Sun/Solaris. The source is also available.
- dutch
Most of you are probably aware of this (I was not), a hack called "Wrapster" was released yesterday that basically lets Napster work with any kind of file. Thanks to Johnny Bluejeans (of Viva Variety? :) for the news.
- dutch
The Mame32 QA site has been updated with a bit of news: "Michael cut a build based on .36 final. It fixes #318, #319, and #322. Will run through a final pri. 1 pass for this build, and hopefully that should be it."
- dutch
Genesis Power's catch of the day: Ecco The Dolphin and Ecco 2 - The Tides Of Time.
- dutch
The No$gmb homepage has closed. "No$gmb seems to be published by somebody called "utopia" now, so this webpage doesn't appear to be of very much use anymore. Please inform me if anybody knows the identity (real name, and address) of this so-called "utopia" group or person." I can definitely understand the frustration of seeing your hard work get ripped off and hacked. Thanks to JoseQ for the news.
- dutch
Dagee has released version 2.0 in his series of Genesis IPS Patch archives. Thise can be used to fix known bad dumps in your backup archives.
- dutch
Human 68K Experiment reports that yesterday's update of EX68 1.07 added LFN support to windrv and added 68030. The 1.08 (as I suspected) is a minor bugfix. Thanks Rain!
- dutch
Wednesday, March 22nd 2000 - Last updated @ 16:46 EST
Here's the patched DOS compile of Seal 1.07 for Mame v.36, which includes the Sound Blaster fix. To patch it, I copied the three patch files included in the Mame v.36 source archive into the Seal \src\ directory (and also copied audio.h to the \include\ directory for consistancy's sake), installed DJDEV202, changed to Seal's \src\ directory, and typed "make -f DOS\DPMI32\DJGPP\Makefile". I then recreated the directory structure for Seal 1.06. To compile Mame v.36 final, delete the files in your old Seal directory and replace them with the Seal 1.07 patched archive. Then copy SEAL\AUDIO\LIB\DOS\libaudio.a to DJGPP\LIB, and SEAL\AUDIO\INCLUDE\audio.h to \DJGPP\INCLUDE\. Don't forget to upgrade Allegro (if you haven't done so yet) to 3932 WIP, and that DJDEV203 can also be used to compile Mame. For even more information on compiling, check Gridle's How to Compile page.
- dutch
Here's the fix for the Mame v.36 source that Guru-Choc mentioned: In the \src\ directory there is a naughtyb.c file. Move it into the \src\drivers\ directory. There is a naughtyb.c file in there as well, so overwrite it with the one from the \src\ directory. Also, Seal 1.07 needs patched again to include the Sound Blaster fix. I'll upload one later (when I have time) for your convenience. Thanks also to SYS2064 for the help.
- dutch
The NeoGeo Review Center is being redesigned, but Gazoo seems to have some HTML problems. If you can help him out, please do so :)
- atila
Ever wondered what it would take to be considered 'l33t' ?
- atila
Guru-Choc says the Mame v.36 source has a file in the wrong place. I'm not sure where the problem is yet exactly, but I will update when I know more. In the meantime, Till has a fixfile online. Gotta love short hunt lists. ;)
- dutch
Visuatrox informs us that his Unofficial VGS (Virtual Game Station) compatibility list is now approaching 500 Playstation games. So far, the results show that about 88% of the games tested work perfectly on the VGS. Visitrox also pointed out this post from one of the VGS developers, Eric Traut, who mentions that the VGS "attempts to display the same bit depth as a real PlayStation would." (16-bit for game play and 24 bit for movies.) He also mentions that the reason many PAL games don't work is due to a bug which has top priority right now, and should be fixed in the upcoming version 1.4.
- dutch
CPCE version 0.6 is out. The Amstrad CPC emulator for Windows has had a full rewrite and new GUI. Can you say bugfixes? Thanks to EmuHQ for the news.
- dutch
Here's some more IPS patch archives some people sent in. Mug_uk sent this archive of 59 IPS files covering 29 ROMs for SMS. Dagee sent in this archive of 23 patches for Genesis ROMs. If you have bad dumps in your backup collections, you might find some fixes within these.
- dutch
EX68 version 1.08 for Windows has been released, this is an emulator for the Japanese X68000 Computer. Since the homepage is in Japanese, I've no idea what's new. Thanks to Lycia for the news. (That's not a typo, version 1.07 was released a bit earlier, so I suspect 1.08 might fix some bugs or problems in 1.07 ;)
- dutch
MacMame v36rc2 has been released. This improves audio/video sync (required Sound Manager 3.21 or later), fixes a lockup with fast forwarding when sound is disabled, and fixes some vector graphics garbage. MacMame needs a Power Mac in order to run.
- dutch
Gens Windows version 0.34 has been released. The Sega Genesis emulator now uses the Starscream 68000 core which has a compatibility rate of about 75% with known ROMs. For sound it now uses the Raze Z80 core. Check the homepage for the full list of updates. Thanks to WilD_ for the news.
- dutch
Some news from James of Mame/MessD: "The latest version of Kodak's camera firmware 1.0.4 is availble from kodak's web site for the DC290, now all those DC290 owners can get arcade sound on there cameras with the latest version of MAMED and MESSD!!!"
- dutch
Today's Nemu64 INI file from Myzar :) is at version 1.2. Playable games in this version are Virtual Pool 64, Mahjong64, Firepen (J), Heiwa (J), and Famista 64.
- dutch
Tuesday, March 21st 2000 - Last updated @ 14:17 EST
The people at Div Arena asked me to tell you that the mail addres on the page was not functioning over the weekend, if you sent them a mail, please resend it.
- atila
On a personal note, I would like to send a special message out to a very close and dear friend of mine Melanie Burns, aka Exodus3D. Melanie overdosed on prescription medicine yesterday, and spent the greater part of the day in intensive care. She is at home and recovering now, and will be alright. Please get well soon Melanie, all of your friends are thinking about you.
- dutch
Some Arcade ROM Heaven news: Guru-Choc's 3 millionth visitor will be happening soon, make sure you take a screenshot, zip it and send it along to him, even if it's close. He also reports a SEAL fix for Mame v.36 Final, so owners of PCI SB 128 Cards will now have Mame working properly! All of his JFF ROMs are also back online. :)
- dutch reports that Capcom, Hudson, Jaleco, Konami, Namcoe, SNK, Taito and Tecmo will be recieving the first PSX2 boards for use in new arcade machines. Thanks to NAZ for the link.
- dutch
Retrogaming Times #31 has been released! "This issue is a themed issue of sorts. We look at video game remakes including reviews of Crazy Climber 2000, Pacman World, Q*Bert and Pong! We also look at a few of the games that have been enhanced by EmuDX. Alan Hewston brings us some more Eyeball Benders with a April Fools theme to them." To go directly to the online newsletter click here.
- dutch
More C64 Tape images over at Redump64! Peepo has added HERO, Hollywood or Bust, Mission Omega, Nonterraqueous, Paperboy, Predator, Skate Wars, Starforce Nova and Tetris.
- dutch
A new classic arcade emulator for the Playstation is in the works called Retro2000. Thanks to Anthony for the mail.
- dutch
Zoop updated SMS Power with Shooting Gallery (SMS), Streets of Rage (SMS), and Jurassic Park (Euro)(GG). Don't forget about the Meka 0.51 "Overclocked" edition posted out there as well. Thanks to DarkMazda for the news.
- dutch
CPS2Shock has been updated with six new manual scans (thanks to NAZ) for the following games: Cyberbots, Marvel Super Heroes, Marvel Vs. Capcom, Pocket Fighter, Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha, Street Fighter Alpha 3.
- dutch
American Gladiators fans, don't miss today's Genesis Power update! :)
- dutch
I missed another dot release of RockNES, this time to version 1.042. This fixes PCM output for better RAW sound and may be a bit faster than the previous release.
- dutch
After nine months, GLMame32 has been updated to v36rc2 Open-GL 1.3 Beta 1 (now that's a long version number :) For a list of changes click here. Thanks to JEK Chan for the news.
- dutch
The day wouldn't be complete without another Nemu64 ini file from Myzar would it? The version is now at 1.1.1, and "add[s] 4 games missing from emumaniac beta."
- dutch
Monday, March 20th 2000 - Last updated @ 10:34 EST
If you read the Overclocked update below closely, you'll see it also says: .. a NEW release of MEKA with an OC gui background .. That's right, a new MEKA (SMS/GG/SG-x000 emu, version 0.51) is available for download at the site :)
- atila
WOW! Who would have thought we'd see 100 episodes of Overclocked :) To celebrate this, David has gone crazy; he's added two new episodes, three new remixes, one BIG interview, two new hosted sites, a NEW release of MEKA with an OC gui background, a new site design and a new competition. Congratulations, David, Pretzel & Green :)
- atila
RockNES has had a dot upgrade to version 1.041. This fixes a crashing problem when "No Sound" is set, and also contains a "save state" fix and some cosmetic changes in the sound core.
- dutch
NESToy 3.1 has been released, this version contains bugfixes and can now sort translations by country in the translation directory. Thanks to EmuHQ for the news.
- dutch
Shernand let me know that he updated the Neo Geo Team 2000 site with more resources for the CD version of KOF99. Shernand also tells me that he is working on a patch that will allow the backup to work on the NGCD console, but he does not have a release date yet. "...the date is a surprise ;)"
- dutch
Zonn Moore has released the Cinematronics Emulator 1.2. This emulator has "Support for all Cinematronics Vector Games -- with the exception of Cosmic Chasm which doesn't use the standard Cinematronics CPU." and "Mouse support for Tailgunner, Boxing Bugs and Speed Freak." While sound currently isn't emulated, this version contains code that can run control of the physical soundboard with some work. The source is also available. Thanks to SYS2064 for the news.
- dutch
Myzar has updated his unofficial Nemu64 ini to version 1.1 (yes, he's numbering them now :). G.A.S.P!! Fighters 'NE, Airboarder64, Dynamite Soccer (gfx errors), Doremon Japan, and All Star Baseball 99 are now playable.
- dutch
There has been some WIP updates in Japanese on the SSF Sega Saturn Emulator homepage. BenJ was very kind to send along a translation. It basically says that he will be removing some code that might make the emulator about 1/5 as fast in order to speed work along, he is also using NASM now.
- dutch
The Webulator has updated FDSpray. This is a utility for converting Famicon disks from FAM 4.0 format to FDS format, thus saving hard disk space. It now works with 160+ games and examines all sides of a disk before renaming.
- dutch
The Webulator also has a new utility called EmuAide 1.0. This utility can "Make RomCenter datfiles from ClrMame datfiles, or from Mame/Mess -listinfo output." It can also "Edit text files, removing lines containing designated text, removing "bad dump" entries from GoodXXXX missing lists, or NeoGeo from RomCenter MAME datfiles, or any other imaginable line-based editing job."
- dutch
Einstein II has updated his N64 ROM Renamer to version 3.1. This elimates many bugs, and now will move duplicates and uknown files into their proper directories. It can also generate detailed lists in html, and fixes many bugs in the previous version. There are both English and German versions online.
- dutch
Mark "KILLZAT" Jackson over at Emuforce now has reviews of both Bleem and the Virtual Game Station online, it's nice to see some reviews that weigh the pros and cons of both emus.
- dutch
DaGee sent me this archive of 49 IPS patches to repair various bad Genesis dumps. If you have some bad backups in your collection this certainly is worth a try. DaGee tells me he will be releasing more patch archives in the near future.
- dutch
What a nasty weekend... let's see if I can catch up somewhat...
- dutch
Sunday, March 19th 2000 - Last updated @ 15:36 EST
". 00.03.19 I am very pleased to report that Michael added the HotRod and HotRod SE options to Mame32's control tab! He's also submitted another build w/ numerous fixes for bugs: #274, #279, #284, #306, #312, #320. The bug fixing continues on the push toward the final release."
KOF Perfect has added arcadeflyers for Garou: Mark of the Wolves, new icons for various NeoGeo games are also available now.
- atila
GL2ideal 1.3 released! Here's what's new in this release:
+ Minor bug fix ( grDrawLine(), grDrawPoint() )
+ Minor code optimizations
+ PentiumII-only instructions were removed. Now available on Pentium and K6.
+ Color clamp method was changed to simpler and faster way.
This may causes problems in some games. (Black background goes blue.)
+ GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 was implemented.
GL2Ideal is a Glide wrapper, which can be used with UltraHLE, for those who do not have a 3fdx card. Please visit the GL2ideal site for more info, thanks to Alexei for the news.
- atila
Barry Rodewald has released Qplayer 1.3.3, it is now win32 based and uses a different audio SDK than the DOS version. The old DOS and Linux versions are still available for download. Qplayer is a Qsound emulator, it can play the music and sound effects from arcade games based on Capcom's CPS-2, ZN-1 and ZN-2 hardware.
- atila
Tuxedo Mask has opened a site over at Vintage Gaming for a new emulator called FwGBC. "FWGBC is a Gameboy, Super Gameboy, and Gameboy Color Handheld Systems emulator which in time will hopefully support all of them perfectly." While there is no public release yet, there is a lot of info about it. :) Thanks to Destination Emulation for the news.
- dutch
Mega Menu DX has been updated to version Alpha 19. Mega Menu DX is a DOS based front end for your emulators and ROMs. You can keep ROMs zipped, even if the Emu doesn't support zips, it can automatically Zip your ROMs, and can rename ROMs based on a CRC database file. Check the homepage for a full list of updates. Thanks to maxi for the news.
- dutch
Digital Relics is now open! Formerly known as the Sega 16 bit project, Digital Relics includes online game info and screenshots for 900 Sega Genesis games and 80 Atari Lynx games.
- dutch
Star Dudes!!! The Game Guru sent me this link to Star Dudes Episode IV (based on the Star Wars film of the same name, except everyone says "Dude" :). Now you can watch the entire movie in a few minutes, filmed in gorgeous Flash 4. (You need to download Flash if you don't have it installed yet. :)
- dutch
GuruChoc updated again - a few new needed-soon goodies and what's this about MAME 0.36 FINAL?
- prophet
St0rm GCC 0.1 (Genesis emu) has been released! St0rm GCC is a revised version of the original code, now done using DJGPP & NASM. The author, Kaneda, admits it's still early but he's very enthusiastic. :)
- prophet
In other NeoGeo news, Sanjiyan's Burning Knuckle is undergoing a "HUGE revision" - this is a superb new site so stay tuned!
- prophet
KOF Perfect has been updated with new scans, including Garou:MOTW, as well as many new NeoGeo icons!
- prophet
Dutch is ill eh? Well HA!, not only do I have a nasty cold but I've also been busy reinstalling my PC! So there. =P And would someone at VGN please do something about their MAME board. :(
- prophet
A new cheat program for use with PSX emulators has been released called PEC, it also works with VGS which was released this week. Thanks to Bobbi for the news.
- atila
NESten Epitah released! This marvelous NES emulator has had another update, go download now!! Thanks to Hy G. for the news.
- atila
A new version of MAME Classic (MAME frontend) has been released, the list of new/fixed things is too long to post, so you will have to visit the site linked above :) Thanks to the dude that never breaks the protocol, for the news.
- atila
A new LINUX-based console has been announced called INDREMA, with specs that will make you salivate! Thanks to Setsuna for the link.
- atila
Ever wanted to create your own games ? Enter the DIV ARENA, with minimal coding efforts will you be able to make really cool demos and games! It's not free, but it's not too expensive either.
- atila
-New 2X Zooming Mode.This may cut down performance a lot.
-2 CPU Cores availiable:New ASM Core and the old C Core
-Hardware sound buffer number selectable.
++ DreamNES:ROM Encyclopedia V2.1 Release!
-New World Edition,multiple languages in one package!
(English and Simplified Chinese for now)
-Correctly Identify ROM that have trash at the end of ROM
-Add 200+ ROM to the database.Now identify 550+ NES ROMs!
Amiga Flashback has also been updated with 30 new Demos/12 more docs and 6 reviews which include Quake & Gloom Deluxe.
- atila
Amiga Emulation Zone just added 10 more games including some cool unusual games like KellyX and Killer Ball plus some great goodies like LED Storm, Bar Games and Advanced Ski Simulator.
- atila
Sorry for the lack of updates today, Dutch is ill and I have no idea where Prophet is :) I watched GodZilla twice today, don't ask me why. Maybe I'm ill too.
- atila
Friday, March 17th 2000 - Last updated @ 14:40 EST
If you have a quality emu or site (not news :) and you're looking for a (new) host, feel free to mail me and perhaps you too, can get that cool subdomain!
- atila
The final release of A-Saturn has been released, you can download A-SATURN 0.15a by clicking here. Thanks to BEN-J for the news.
- atila
"Sony may recall all PlayStation 2s shipped so stop the consoles being used to play US DVDs.
A Sony representative said the manufacturer was considering recalling or exchanging the one million PlayStation2's in use, Bloomberg reports. The Japanese company refused to say how much it would cost to fix the machines already shipped." You can read the full story at The Register.
- atila
E.N.D. is being updated again! It's about time! :) This cool emu site often manages to find some unique news and links.
- prophet
The long awaited public release of Cowering's GoodSNES has been released, the version number is 0.984. This knows 3464 SNES ROMs.
- dutch
Now Rom Center does M72 with another DAT file update.
- dutch
Mame Frontends: The MameMe front end has been updated to version 0.91. This corrects the joystick bug, and adds mono/stereo support and a command line viewer. Also updated is the Unix based front end called MameCat, now at version 0.39. Thanks to EmuHQ for the news.
- dutch
PacMame v36rc2 has been released, this adds one new game to this mega Pac-man only version of Mame. :)
- dutch
The infamous f_u, an op on many EFNet emulation channels, has interviewed Exodus3D, a regular in the emulation scene who has done the artwork and web design of many emusites. Another popular name in the IRC channels is JDR, who has kindly helped with the interview. The interesting note about this interview is that it is the first IRC interview that has been conducted entirely in kicks. :) (Note: If you happen to browse the rest of f_u's site and take it seriously, you need help. ;)
- dutch
Oliver has once again followed through with 19 new BIOS images online for MESS v36rc1.
- dutch
AnakinVdr's Nintendo Game Archive is now located at If you're looking for screen, cartridge, box, ad, and poster scans for a slew of NES games, this is a good place to start looking.
- dutch
JoseQ has a nice rumor mill this week. He talks about ROMList, a new Intellivision emulator, ROMs :), and Mame.
- dutch
Thursday, March 16th 2000 - Last updated @ 16:31 EST
MADrigal (hosted here at Retrogames) has released his seventh and perhaps best simulator: "Lifeboat (Nintendo - Multi Screen Series) Simulator" 1.00. This also includes the original manual, in an .exe file. Enjoy the download :)
- atila
Most of you will probably have heard of Napster, yestersday I found this nifty little application called iMESH. Not only does it have Audio search (mp3/wav/etc), it also allows the transfer of video files. Look hard enough and you'll even find complete movies ...
- atila
The Emulator now being hosted over at is Ages (update your bookmarks to, the Genesis emulator that is showing signs of 32x development. Keep in mind, "Many 32X games still are not working properly, and I believe this is due to incomplete Genesis compatiblity." They report a release of a Genesis only version of Ages soon.
- dutch
Remember The Games Nostalgia mentioned about a month ago? It's still being worked on, there has been some progress on Altered Beast 2, and two new games have been added to the "wait" list: Enduro (Activision) (!!!!) and Shinobi Against Evil Clan (a.k.a Shinobi 4) (SEGA). For those who may not remember, the Games Nostalgia's mission is " redesign, remake and sequel many games that for some reason didn't receive a special attention from its developers, was forgotten or deserve to be revived." Thanks to Emucamp for the news.
- dutch
MameD and MESSD version 36 beta 16 have been updated, these are ports of Mame for digital cameras. Sound now works on the Kodak DC220 camera (with version 1.04 firmware), and it has better sound and faster performance overall!
- dutch
Coolbest's unofficial Nemu64 Support Site that was mentioned on Monday has moved to, be sure to update your bookmark if you have it linked.
- dutch
Xavier has updated the catver.ini file for use with the Arcade@home Mame front end. This adds the information for version added for each game, Xavier has also added more beta information in this release.
- dutch
I read about a new utility over at EmuHQ called Cheet. This allows you to use Playstation codes with Bleem!, and the newly released version 1.1 works with the Virtual Game Station as well!
- dutch
M.A.S.H. resent his Unofficial Mameinfo.dat file for Mame v36rc2 over to us, yesterday's copy was missing some things. If you downloaded it be sure to download it again and replace yesterday's with this new one.
- dutch
vBAY, the Spectrum Music Player for DOS, has had two updates in the past couple of days, it is currently at version 1.6 with various fixes and updates, check the homepage for all the details.
- dutch
In the DAT files department, the ROM Center homepage has been updated with a DAT file for NeoRageX, supporting 130 games. TAS 2012 has also made a CLRMame Pro DAT file for MESS 0.36 RC1.
- dutch
John has posted some WIP news at the Mame32 QA page, looks like they are having a bit of sound trouble at the moment. The images and icons for rc2 have been added as well. :)
- dutch
Rodimus Prime has released PowerScore 1.07, now PowerScore has support for initials and names (all games except Time Pilot). I see it also has a new logo by Exodus3D. :)
- dutch
Guess what Myzar released? :) This version of his unofficial Nemu64 ini file has Madden NFL 98 and 99 playable (turn off audio prebuffering & mempack, turn on new combiner) and Myzar also reports that Star Soldier is now playable with no more graphic errors!
- dutch
Since reading the somewhat unflattering initial review of Connectix Virtual Game Station, I've seen nothing but people raving about this Playstation Emulator. :) EmuHQ has posted a review of the VGS by JS, and I noticed this interesting thread on our message boards earlier today. I encourage everyone to read what's out there and formulate your own opinion. :)
- dutch
The Playstation Emulator AdriPSX has had a DOS release, this brings the DOS version to 00.05.14. A noteworthy item in this release is a CDROM decoder handler that allows commericial games to be played! Also new in this release is a software graphics renderer, working MDEC and XA skipping routines, and an improved dynamic recompiler core for greater speed. Thanks to Arcade@home for the news.
- dutch
I missed Stef's release of Gens Windows version 0.3 yesterday. This release has perfect DAC, sound fixes, CPU timing fixes, and selectable sound sample rates.
- dutch
Reiginsei over at Emucamp mentioned a site called Rysley Emulation that has a full archive of alternative icons online for Mame32, for those who like to try something different... ;)
- dutch
Wednesday, March 15th 2000 - Last updated @ 17:25 EST
Zoop has released Meka 0.50 to registered users, the list of changes/fixes is huge :) Non-registered users will have to wait a few days before being able to download it. Thanks to Troutman for the news.
- atila
Bad Ronald, bad! Thanks to JNX for the link ;)
- atila will soon host a new emulator, if you read the post you can probably guess which one ;)
- atila
Hans de Goede has released xmame/xmess 0.36rc1.1 today. Looks like the xmame home page has a new logo too...You can view the changes here and you can download a patch here or you can download the whole xmame/xmess 0.36rc1.1 sources here
- chris
A little birdie told me that those "missing" NBA JAM roms can be found at Guru-Choc's site now :)
- atila
Another classic game to get remade by Hasbro Interactive for the Playstation is Breakout, and Back In Time has posted a first look at it! Thanks to EmuHQ for the news.
- dutch
M.A.S.H. has sent us his updated Unofficial Mameinfo.dat file for Mame v36rc2. He's added some RC2 bugs and known bugs, and has deleted fixed bugs. This just goes right in your Mame directory and can be viewed via the TAB key while running a game.
- dutch
Hehehehe.. I almost forgot about Gamemarks, thanks Trash. :)
- dutch
Several people pointed me to's review of the Virtual Game Station. The site is in French, so knowing the language does help. :) Non French speakers can still check out the Bleem comparison charts they have posted however.
- dutch
MSKISS 0.2.4 has been released. This is a MSX Emulator for DOS that currently emulates MSX1, MSX2, MSX2+, and MSX Turbo-R. There is a MASSIVE list of changes for this version so you can click here to read them all. :) Thanks to the MEP Crew for this news.
- dutch
TempEd 0.52 released! This is a way cool Windows-based level editor for Tempest that allows you to edit ROM '136002.118' so that you can create new levels of the game for use with emulators like Mame. This release adds the abilities to change enemy, level, and player colors. Thanks to Vintage Gaming for the news.
- dutch
Network Solutions has once again been hit with a lawsuit, this one is for 1.7 billion. This is basically going after the company for "its perceived failure to observe the Internet protocols that restrict top-level domains '.com,' '.net' and '.org' to, respectively, commercial companies, ISPs, and nonprofits." Thanks to metallik for the news.
- dutch
CNN is reporting that "Sony Computer Entertainment has taken back PlayStation 2 game consoles from some users for testing, though it has stopped short of issuing a recall of the hot new product or its memory card, a Sony representative said today." Thanks to CD-master for the link.
- atila
The Arcade Flyer Archive have released Raine Flyer Pack #7, you can use this pack with Raine.
- atila
I received email from BouKiChi about Rew v.12PR and here's the story: Rew is not made by him, it's by a "secret" author and v.12PR *is* a public release. According to BouKiChi it says "you can reproduce" in the Japanese text file. I was unsure what BouKiChi meant on his site, but now we know for sure. :) Anyway - if you've never tried Rew, do so - it's a great Windows Gameboy/NES emu with early support for TurboGrafx-16 as well! (Tux & Dave, you guys had it right afterall)
- prophet
Andrew Blum has ported PacMame over to the Macintosh, and it's called (what else?) MacPacMame! :) Check out his site and download your copy, he currently has it up to version 36 rc1.
- dutch
Visuatrox has opened an Unofficial VGS Compatibility List site. The nice thing about it is that you can submit your own findings to the list! I imagine we'll see some more of these sites sprout up shortly... ;)
- dutch
Yet even more DAT files have been released for ROM Center for the following systems: Atari 2600, Atari 5600, Atari 7800, Atari Lynx, Colecovision, Game Gear, Jaguar, MSX, N64, NeoRagex, PC Engine, and SMS! Thanks to EmuHQ for the news.
- dutch
ZX has added another 13 Spectrum games to their archive, bringing their total to 463 games online! They are: Bomberman, Bronx Street Cop, Call Me Psycho, Chips Challenge, Death Wish 3, Glider Raider, Mikie, Pang, Renegade, Robocop, Robocop 2, Robocop 3. Thanks to EmuHQ for the news!
- dutch
Myzar has updated his Nemu64 INI again, now Madden NFL 2000 is playable (thanks to Coolbest), also playable is Zool Majousen and Turok (no audio prebuffering and turn off new combiner). Various errors were also fixed.
- dutch
Real Spectrum v0.41.06 has been released, online are binaries optimized for Pentium, Pentium II, and K6! This release adds Kempston/Sinclair Joystick support, Digital Integration loading scheme to FlashLoading, Z80 core bugfixes, and other bugfixes. Click here for a full list of features.
- dutch
A Spectrum music player for DOS called vBay 1.4 has been released. This is it's first public release, check the homepage for all of the details. Thanks to Emucamp for the news.
- dutch
Crash added Gauntlet 2 tips to his Tips site, and his MARP gallery has been updated to 21 pics online (more scary faces ;).
- dutch
Paul Bates has opened a development page for WinSTon, his Atari ST emulator for Windows. "The site is called the 'WinSTon Development Page' and has information on WinSTon and details of what is expected in the next release. There is also a small download section and links to sites which hold ST disc images for use with the emulator. The pages are updated each week so people can follow progress of each new release."
- dutch
Readers of our message boards will have no doubt noticed the "truth" posts that were made.. all I really have to say about it is that it is saddening, I really do feel bad for everyone involved. :(
- dutch
The Guru dumped some more games, including the last remaining M72 game, Airduel!
- dutch
Metal Slug fans will appreciate The Metal Slug Project, a new website from SNK. I see Till noticed the same thing I did almost right away.. Metal Slug 3 will be MVS. :)
- dutch
Wanna see a really extraordinary homemade cocktail table arcade machine? Then go here and click on Andy's cab. MAME team would surely be proud!
- prophet
Sanjiyan's Burning Knuckle is a new site devoted to NeoGeo emulation and game news! Nice clean design & lotsa goodies. :)
- prophet
Just a note that BouKiChi has confirmed that Rew v.12PR was not an official release of his emulator.
- prophet
Mini Mania Magazine has conducted an interview with Paul Taylor, the author of the Gameboy Color version of the classic ZX Spectrum Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy.
- atila
Gridle has released fixed & optimised MAME RC2 compiles, click here to download the i686 binary, click here for the regular binary and click here for the K6 binary. The stereo sound output was broken, so please download these new binaries.
- atila
EmuForce has conducted an interview with ContraSF, the author of Corn (superfast N64 emu), click here to read it.
- atila
There are now 600 (!!) flyers online in the Flyer Viewer at the Arcade Flyers site!
- atila
A new NES emulator has been released for SunOS, Linux and Windows called Little John, you can download it from the link above. The source code is also available.
- atila
Basilisk II for Win2k and WinNT4 version 0.8, build 115 has been released, you can download this Macintosh II emulator by clicking here. Thanks to Chevolt for the link.
- atila
After personally testing Connectix Virtual Game Station (PSX emu) at my friend's place all night, all I can say is WOW!!! I'm BUYING this emulator and so should YOU! I brought all my games over, and after messing around with about 25 games, they ALL worked, yielding very good speeds and only a scant few games had some glitches. VGS has a rock solid emulation core, and I really look forward to updated builds with 3D support someday. Connectix r0x!
- prophet
Here's a list of every game that has had ROM changes in Mame v36rc2. This is based on a "split" merge and includes any kind of change whatsoever.. from missing ROMs to name changes. It's kind of long.
- dutch
The Jagbag emulator site now has its own domain -, so update your bookmarks!
- dutch
A great resource for info on Toaplan arcade games has been set up at, courtesy of Carl-Henrik Skarstedt! Thanks to SYS2064 for the news.
- dutch
Kirkland has updated GoodSort to version 0.5, this changes how ROMs are sorted a bit.. "First pass = Bad Dumps (~500 so far), Unknown, fixed for GBX, SGB, GB, and SGB .... Second half of the GBX-Sort.bat goes on to sub-divide those last 3 into Hacks, Trainers, Jap, Multi, USA, etc. entries..." Very handy! :)
- dutch
For a compatibility list of games that work well with Virtual Game Station, click here. I still haven't had a chance to try it yet, but I understand that this is quite a kick ass PSX emulator. :) Thanks to arcade@home for the link.
- dutch
Jojo's MESS Companion Page is back! This is an excellent MESS support site, and we're glad to see that he has his PC problems ironed out. He's added a bunch of new links (mainly in the Commodore area). Thanks to Roc for the news!
- dutch
OK, who submitted my name to the Creamy Fishsticks site? And what's this "new" business? :))
- dutch
Coolbest opened an unofficial Nemu64 support site with a compatibility list, optimal settings for each game, a faq, and information on working with Voodoo3. Unfortunately, I am unable to get the site to come up at the moment, perhaps some of you will have better luck. :)
- dutch
Yes, there really is a Gameboy emulator for MSX. :) It's called GEM v0.1, and is for MSX2/turboR running MSX-DOS2. Gem is written in 100% assembly language, and is "optimized for R800, so running it on a MSX turboR gives the best performance." Thanks to kikker paul for the news!
- dutch
DreamNES 1.6 released. This features a rewritten (and faster) CPU core, and adds realtime save/load states and NES movie playback and record. There are also various mapper fixes and improvements. Thanks to PRoToCoL for the news.
- dutch
The N64 ROM Renamer 3.0 has been released over at It now uses a ROMS.DAT file with 1235 games recognized. Many bugs have also been corrected. Check the homepage for the full what's new list. Thanks to PRoToCoL for the news.
- dutch
Darn... Thanks to Zophar I learned that the new Rew going around *might* not be an official release - the Rew homepage has NOT been updated with it yet. So it's offline here until we know... :(
- prophet
Sunday, March 12th 2000 - Last updated @ 23:48 EST
IvilDed has created EmuHype! Sega System32 emulation fans should bookmark this one.
- atila
Nah nah Dutch! Ya missed the MAME release! (j/k) =)
- prophet
Hey, the Retrogames news staff received some Creamy Fishsticks awards! Heh... I was expecting something awful, but it turned out to be quite pleasant. Fun site! :)
- prophet
Sorry I missed the Mame v36rc2 release, I was busy getting the compile together. You'll notice that the source archive now has some patch files included. The Allegro files can just be copied into the Allegro 3931 archive before compiling Allegro (then Mame :). For Seal, you have to take the Seal 1.0.7 source and copy the patch files included in the Mame v36rc2 source archive into it. You then have to make sure that you are using DJDEV202. To compile Seal at the DOS prompt, change to the src directory and type "make -f DOS\DPMI32\DJGPP\Makefile". I then recreated the path structure for Seal 1.0.6. To save all of that, here is my compiled and patched Seal 1.0.7 archive. :) Don't forget, SEAL\AUDIO\LIB\DOS\libaudio.a must be copied to DJGPP\LIB, and SEAL\AUDIO\INCLUDE\audio.h to COMPILER\DJGPP\INCLUDE. Mame will still compile using DJDEV203.
- dutch
Amiga owners should check out Cloanto's newly released Amiga Explorer 3.5! This software will allow you to actually connect an Amiga to your PC, then easily transfer files to and from each system. Here's the Amiga Explorer homepage.
- prophet
BouKichi released Rew v.12PR! I don't know what's new, BUT this Gameboy/NES emulator for Windows is GREAT! Try it. *UPDATE* - Rew now has early PC-Engine support! (Thanks Flux & VGN ;)
- prophet
SSF (Sega Saturn emu) has had an update, click here to read what's new. Thanks to BEN-J for the news and translation.
- atila
Apparently, it's possible to play Region 1 DVDs (USA) on the Sony Playstation2, thanks to Snoopie- for the link.
- atila
There you are, cybersexing with this really gorgeous chick. After some time she invites you to come over to the USA and continue the relationship in real life. You hop on the first plane you can find, go to your destination and then get the living daylights scared out of you! This gorgeous chick is a 65 year old pensioner with a dead husband in the freezer!! Thanks to Jackie for the link.
- atila
Gridle has once again updated the MAME WIP page; lots of bugfixes!
- atila
Remember that Virtual Game Station (PSX emu) review yesterday ? Well, as you may or may not know DragonYen works for Bleem!, so the review may not have been completely unbiased, according to several people. I just noticed this post on the general emulationboard, which sheds new light on the story. I suggest you read the posts if you want to be a bit more informed on the subject.
- atila
Kirkland has released GoodSort version 0.4. This archive consists of several batchfiles to be used with Cowering's "Good" utilities, there are "2 batchfiles for each Good* utility for sorting roms, one that sorts into subdirectories, and one that "unsorts" back to the parent directory." Please note that GameBoy and GameBoy Color are not done yet. Please read the readme.txt file for complete instructions.
- dutch
Saturday, March 11th 2000 - Last updated @ 21:41 EST
For all the Pac Man you can handle, PacMame v36rc1 has been released today. This adds five new Pac Man hacks, thanks to T-Bone. They are: Ms. Pacman SNES, Ms. Pacman SNES (Regular & Tall), Ms. Pacman SNES (Tall), Ms. Pacman SNES (Tall Alternate), Pac-Man 2000 (Set 2). Thanks to PRoToCoL for the news.
- dutch
Congratulations to the Video Game Museum for reaching over 1000 scans online! Thanks to about a dozen people for the news. :)
- dutch
Even more DAT files have been added to the ROM Center homepage. This includes Rage (updated), Callus 95 0.42 patch 1a (75 games), Gameboy (2742 games), Retrocade 1.2b2, Genesis (1227 games), and Hive (53 games).
- dutch
The Webulator has updated NESTrade to 1.3b. NESTrade is a utility that will examine ROMs in a directory, make a dat file, then will allow someone else to quickly scan their directory and "compare" what's missing. This does more than NES ROMs! Here's the full list of what's new:
- New formats: LYNX, SMS, C64 (d64/t64 - same game in different formats not detected) - Subdirectories still not read, nor is logging enabled - SNES files renamed with Jan AxHell's "RomCenter 1.80" database are detected, and the header is correctly skipped. - Added a status update that tells you what file is being examined. - WIN32 version is multi-threaded. - Added a "Stop" feature which does not work correctly because of Thread Local Storage. I need more research here.
- dutch
The Webulator has also released a new utility called FDSSpray. "FDS Spray is a NESTOY-like utility for Famicom games. It converts FAM 4.0 format to FDS format, saving space because FAM format requires all four disk sides to be in the game image, and FDS requires only the necessary ones. Super mario bros is 64K instead of 255. It also cleans out the "hCon by HAL9999" crap, and removes extra/empty disk sides in the FDS format." FDSpray will also rename 153 known FDS disks.
- dutch
Ridge let me know that he also hosts an Amiga CD32 page, and has had it online for a short while before Shane's but I missed it. :) I had a look and it also has a HUGE amount of information on this not so well known console from the early 90s. (Ridge mentioned that he and Shane share a lot of info with each other and aren't "competing." :)
- dutch
Rodimus Prime has updated Powerscore to version 1.05. "I think I squashed ALL the bugs. Also, added support for multiple scores." Powerscore is Rodimus's utility for viewing high scores in Mame v36rc1 only!
- dutch
Looks like John is reporting more bugs fixed over at the Mame32 QA site, could a release be near? :)
- dutch
Gridle added a page to the Official Mame site for the Hiscore.dat file currently supported in Mame v36rc1. It shows the syntax of how each entry should look and even has a place where you can submit your own entries!
- dutch
12 In-Ch-ewie sent me a couple mp3 mixes that he made awhile back. While this definitely isn't retro gaming related, I thought they were too good not to share. :) If you're not a fan of the Taco Bell Chihuahua or Star Wars you can skip over these. :)
- dutch
- Added demo section and sorted the ini in alpha order - Improvements in Wrestle Manie 2000, the first menu is invisible. Turn of the new combiner and press A at the blank screen. - Hot Wheels Turbo is playable with graphic glitches (missing menus), continue to press A until the game starts. Turn of the combiner and memory pack. - Added Lode Runner 3D and Armorines Project S but they display only garbage. - Corrected an error in the Donkey Kong 64 section, but the game is still unplayable.
- dutch
"- 8 new reviews including the first year 2000 japanese SNES release, NP Picross Vol. 6 (donation from romar). There is also Robocop 3, Manchester United Soccer and more!
- Good news for all serious SNES collectors. Cowering is developing GoodSNES. Unfortunately, it is still in alpha stages and we are not allowed to distribute it yet. Once it is final, you will find it here."
If you have seen this terrorist PLEASE contact your local law enforcement agency!
- atila
And a happy birthday to DrStu (#retrogamers) who turned 27 today! That's one step closer to ye olde retirement home ;)
- atila
If anyone wants to join li'l ol' me right now in our Chat Room, please do :)
- atila
MOAH has released KOF91 1.0 (13MB) - which is the final version of this homebrewn fighter. Moah has included the source code to his fighter, so if you feel like taking over, feel free :) Thanks to jose for the news.
- atila
The Chello technician was over at my place yesterday to replace 100ft COAX with 70ft of UTP cable, for my cable modem. I've been without cable modem for 2 days now. I will be contacted for a new appointment this Monday. Downloading stuff with my ISDN adapter kinda sucks ....
- atila
Shane Monroe has opened Amiga CD32 out on his Amiga Emulation Zone. For those who may not know, this was a 32 bit CD-ROM console system that was released in the early 90's and never really gained much ground. I remember playing a couple of games on this system once, and I would agree with Shane that the games fall "somewhere between SNES and Playstation for graphics capability." Give this new site a visit if you're still curious... it has more info on Amiga CD32 than you can handle! :)
- dutch
Fellow 0.3.6 R1 for DOS has been released at the home page, this version adds a built in game cheat and search engine and other optimizations. Please note that this version may not work on 386 or 486 machines. Thanks to Emucamp for the news.
- dutch
R80 0.30 has been released. R80 is an emulator for the PC that supports Spectrum 16k, 48k, 128k, +2 ,+2A, Pentagon 128 and Scorpion 256. There is a BIG what's new list, be sure to check the homepage for all the details! It uses a new sound engine, adds a debugger, adds some interface changes, and includes bugfixes. Thanks to Vintage Gaming for the news.
- dutch
Genesis Power has added dumps of Sonic And Knuckles + Sonic 2 and Sonic And Knuckles + Sonic 3.
- dutch
Dragon¥en and Bobbi have reviewed the Connectix Virtual Game Station, the Playstation emulator for the PC that Connectix has recently released. I haven't had a chance to buy a copy and try it yet, but Bleem! reportedly supports much better graphic enhancements. Read their review for more info!
- dutch
Adrox of Emusphere let me know that they have a new tips section online. "This feature is an interactive forum where users can share their emulation experience and post their own tips and undocumented tricks on their favorite emulators. Everything is completely automated by a powerful set of CGI scripts custom built for this forum." If you have any tricks or unique discoveries regarding any of your favorite emulators, pay their site a visit!
- dutch
Friday, March 10th 2000 - Last updated @ 11:26 EST
Microsoft has launched the XBOX website, thansk to J for the news.
- atila
REMIX-O-RAMA! David Lloyd (OverClocked) has posted various remixes of various videogame tunes:
Today is officially remix-o-rama day, with not one, not two, not three, but FOUR new remixes up . . My own take on the Contra theme, an AWESOME Zelda64 mix, a cool Sonic rendition of the Labyrinth Zone, and a Megaman3 piece . . . get downloading!
- atila
Roman Scherzer has released ClrMAME Pro 1.2, this is a "small, yet interesting update", according to Roman. It now has "Getright/Go!Zilla"-like features ?!
- atila
"Banana/Banana Sbang (VTL/Polistil) Simulator" 1.00 released right NOW!
"Donkey Kong Circus (Nintendo) Simulator" updated to 1.01 ("Chance-Time" release). Now it's 100% complete!"
The Donkey Kong Circus sim is my personal favorite :)
- atila
Thursday, March 9th 2000 - Last updated @ 23:52 EST
The X-Box console from Microsoft has been confirmed by Bill Gates on CNBC (and other places) earlier today. (Some of you may have noticed that Microsoft reg'ed the domain a while back.) Here are some of the bulletpoints from the interview:
-AMD will provide the processor -Nvidia will make the graphics chip -Onboard Disk Drive -Internet Connection -Won't be available till 2nd Quarter 2001 -May have a price point as low as $200
While the release would be over a year away, it will still be interesting to see how this stacks up to Sony's PSX2. Sega has also reportedly responded that they have no plans to back down. One advantage the competition has is that this is completely new territory for Microsoft. Thanks much to Adam and Jackie for the info.
- dutch
RockNES 1.00 Win32 released! This is the DirectX port, but does NOT use the new CPU core yet. Check the homepage for more info. Thanks to Sarek for the news!
- dutch
Genesis Power's brief outage is over, and Sonic Week continues with Sonic Classics 3 In 1 (Sonic Compilation) and Sonic And Knuckles + Sonic 1 (aka Sonic Special Stages).
- dutch
XGS/32 1.6 Beta has been released at the homepage. This is an Apple IIgs emulator for Windows. This release introduces a new UI. Be advised this is a 3.7 meg download. Thanks to Opi for the news.
- dutch
You knew it was coming.. another INI file for Nemu64. This one was created by George Hirko and adds 44 new games to the EmuForce release. It also removes duplicates and contains some formatting changes. Thanks to arcade@home for the news and file, I've kept Tim's 0.52 version number on there, although I suppose you could just as well make up any version number you please. :)
- dutch
For those who mailed me asking, I'm not sure what happened to Genesis Power, except that public access to it has been turned off. Update: I used my magic powers to make it return. Or something. :)
- dutch
Mame has apparently been ported to AROS (Amiga Research OS). doesn't seem to have a binary available, but they have posted screenshots. Thanks to KiLLerCloWn for the news.
- dutch
Digitoxin has set up a handy webpage (check the "Good"ies link) that contains all of Cowering's "Good" utilities. Alternatively, Cowering's utilities are also available in the efnet channel #rareroms. Released yesterday are GoodCol 0.984 and GoodJag 0.984, for Colecovision and Jaguar respectively. Thanks to PRoToCoL for the news.
- dutch
Interesting idea really... RS has replaced his page with a fake 404 page. Try making up any other invalid URL on to see the real one. Why on earth would he do that, I wonder.
- richard
CPS2 Shock have released Callus Patch 1b! Lots of fixes, so start downloading ;)
- atila
The results are in for the great Mac Emu Author Pub Brawl. In addition to this, a new poll has been started.
- richard
There's been another update at the Arcade Flyers site, MAME pack #16 has been released! You can use these flyers with various MAME and RAINE frontends.
- atila
" is on the look out for an old-school game fanatic to work full-time as the site's Lead Editor. This is a full-time, paid position that requires strong writing skills, web experience, a good knowledge of gaming history, and management skills. Experience within the community is a huge plus!"
Click the link above for more information.
- atila
Mac1964 has been renamed to SixtyForce. The new emulator is apparently the only N64 emulator out there right now with low-level DSP (sound) emulation.
- richard
Just a quick reminder for the people that didn't see it yesterday, we now have a JAVA Chatroom (which is also linked from the left table)!
- atila
MAME and 1964 (n64 emu) have been ported to the PlayStation2, it doesn't all run fullspeed yet, though. No, there is NO PS2 emulator and you cannot have a copy. Unless you have a PS2 devkit, you're out of luck. It's nice to see things like this :) Thanks to various people for the news.
- atila
Hehe.. get this.. "The "Mario Party'' game on the Nintendo 64 home game system can cause hand injury because players are encouraged to rapidly rotate a joy stick with a grooved tip, state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer said Wednesday." So, in order to remedy this situation... Nintendo is reportedly spending $80 million dollars to distribute "safety gloves" to owners of the game! And Nintendo is worried about emulation affecting it's profits! Thanks to Zophar for this very interesting news. :)
- dutch
LrdEFN of Emucamp has interviewed Katharsis of Geoshock. They talk about everything from Geoshock to favorite games to cake (the food not the band ;).
- dutch
Like rumors? Don't miss JoseQ's Rumor Mill, this week's has some stuff on System 32, Williams games, and Windows ports.
- dutch
"I'm quitting the scene!" Seems to be pretty popular lately. (Or if you're l33t, it's "3y3 4m qu1tt1ng d4 sk3n3!") Nice one David. ;)
- dutch
Gens 0.24 was released several days ago. Gens is a Genesis emulator that uses DirectX. This release adds the MZ80 emulator, preliminary sound, and other small updates. Thanks to Vintage Gaming for the news.
- dutch
Missed this yesterday, NESToy 3.02 is out, this is a ROM management utility for NES ROMs. This release corrects lots of Japanese spelling errors, and the "(Translated)" flags have been updated to their retrospective languages.
- dutch
Squeem version 0.5 is out. Squeem is a NES emulator for the PC, this version adds "a few mappers and fixed mapper7, and got most of the background renderer in assembly. There is other little fixes, but that dont matter right now :) Im tired..." Fair enough. ;)
- dutch
Logiqx has updated some datfiles for CLRMame Pro, included are System16, Retrocade, Shark, and the new patched Callus. Thanks to SYS2064 for the news.
- dutch
Speaking of DAT files, there have been new data files for ROM Center posted at its homepage. Included are Callus, Emudx, Gameboy, Impact, PC Engine ISO, PC Engine TG16, Rage, Retrocade, Shark, and System16. Whew.
- dutch
Tim has updated arcade@home with another catver.ini file for use with his frontend of the same name. This provides it with version added and game category information.
- dutch
A security vulnerability in the Microsoft Clipart Gallery? Why am I not suprised? :) Thanks for the TechNet link, Brandon.
- dutch
UAE, an Amiga emulator, has had an "experimental" version release to 0.8.12. Click here for the sourcecode archive for Unix systems. This release includes bugfixes and more command line options. Thanks to EmuHQ for the news.
- dutch
Wednesday, March 8th 2000 - Last updated @ 21:21 EST
Paul Robinson sent me this thrash version of "Wassup." MikeDX, you should like this one. :) (Please don't mail me and tell me that I got the "thrash" distinction wrong, where I come from, that's thrash ;)
- dutch
To help celebrate EmuHQ's 1 year old birthday today, Corn 0.1 has been released. The most notable feature of this release is SOUND! :) It also has save state support. Right now, Corn runs Mario64, Chopper Attack, Star Fox, Olympic Hockey 98, and perhaps some other games that haven't been tested yet.
- dutch
CPS2 Shock released Callus 0.42 Patch 1a (note the "a") which fixes Net play! Also, I'd like to congratulate Raz and those involved with this project for doing things SO right. :) The legend of Sardu lives on...
- prophet
I recieved a rather nice mail this morning, here goes:
"A new site named ZX has opened at EmuHQ offering a massive 430+ games to download on it's firt arrival, a handy message board for those that require help, some technical information on the classic computer, links
to the best emulators on the net, links to other great
resources for the spectrum computer and an MP3 download section. The MP3 section is not music from the games but an actual recording of the original cassetes so that they can be recorded back to any blank cassete and played on the real thing!. We will be uploading more MP3 rips later in the month."
If you're a ZX lover, you should check this out.
- atila
Gerrit Goossen, the author of Mac1964, is the current favourite to win in a pub brawl involving Mac emulator authors. Votes will be taken for a further 48 hours if you haven't voted yet.
- richard
Continuing in the line of the "Good" series of ROM utilities, Cowering has released Good5200 and Good7800, both at version 0.983. Thanks to Kirkland for the news.
- dutch
PasoFami, a NES emulator for Windows, has been updated to version 1.3t. Since this is a Japanese emulator, I don't know what's new, but I did notice that the link on the homepage to download this had the English text "Trial Version." Thanks to VGN for the news.
- dutch
*Sigh*... it appears that a dump of a "newer" NeoGeo game has been placed on Usenet and is making its way around the net... and RS has quit the scene again.. is there an echo in here? :P
- dutch
Tuesday, March 7th 2000 - Last updated @ 21:17 EST
CPS2 Shock has released Callus95 Patch 1! "This version supports 75 games which are mostly new clones, and some fixed dip settings etc. Street Fighter Zero is also in there with fully working buttons for those distressed by its removal from MAME. ROM names are also 100% MAME compatible (full merge only)." They also have a DAT file online for CLRMame Pro! Thanks to Reiginsei for the news!
- dutch
Looks like some sad news at RS's page. Sorry to hear about your loss, RS. :( Update: RS's page has changed since this update was posted, see above...
- dutch
Looking for Commodore 64 games? Check out Laner's Electric Mayhem, they have recently added 40 games to their most wanted archive, with a total of 660 games! Thanks very much to VGN for this Commodore 64 surfing tip. ;)
- dutch
Apologies to the guys over at Console and Emulation, I missed their mail yesterday about their site redesign. :)
- dutch
After nearly a year of being closed, Sega Heaven has reopened! This is an excellent resource for everything Sega. Thanks to Emucamp for the news.
- dutch
Zoop has been busy working on the latest release of Meka, RC4 has been released to the beta testers, and version 0.50 final should be released soon. Thanks to Emucamp for the news.
- dutch
MacMame v36rc1 is now available, both the English version and the French version are available for download. From the homepage, here's what's new:
- In sync with DOS rc1. [Aaron Giles] - New assembly 6502 core. [Aaron Giles] - Updated RAVE plugin to automatically work around bugs. [John Butler] - Improved speed of the ATI plugin. [Aaron Giles] - Adjusted Mac mouse sensitivity to correspond better to the PC mouse sensitivity. [Brad Oliver] - Minor fixes to window positioning, automatic frameskipping, and sound generation. [Aaron Giles]
- dutch
The multiple computer system emulator Return of Coco has been updated to version 0.83 alpha! Among other things, it emulates Tandy/Radio Shack color computers, and the new version has preliminary support for Coco 3 hardware. It can support the MESS ROM image for Coco 3. The platform for this emulator is Windows. Thanks to VGN for the news.
- dutch
The French Amiga site Amiga Mania has been updated with 13 new games! They are: Birds of Prey, Dragon's Lair, Entity, Extase, Gremlins 2, Head Over Heels, Journey, Lupo Alberto, Player Manager 2, Skweek, Space Ace 2, Space Harrier 2, and Teenage Queen. I believe non French speakers will know what to do. :)
- dutch
We missed a new Gameboy emulator for Windows in development called Yage, hosted over at Emuunlim. It is not available yet but the screenshots look promising...
- dutch
Oliver has some undumped 7800 carts that he needs help with, if you have any information on how to dump these games, give him a shout.
- dutch
In the latest news regarding Nemu64 INI madness, KILLZAT over at Emuforce has took every ini that's out there so far and combined them into one! So you can head over to their site, and download the latest efforts of the Nemu team, ExplosionNET, Myzar and those @ Boob. Of course by the time I post this another Nemu ini will probably have been updated... :)
- dutch
Amiga Flashback has gotten a site redesign, and they've also added 14 LSD docs disks, 30 mods, and a compatibility list of over 1500 Amiga games that were tested on Dos/Win UAE & Fellow!
- dutch
PCEngine 1.6 was released yesterday, and I can see that there is already a version 1.6.1 available. PCEngine is a Japanese Turbografx 16 emulator for the PC, since I can't read Japanese I've no idea what's new.
- dutch
The new Sony Playstation2 seems to have a few defects, in fact, Sony has issued an official recall of ALL PS2 memcards: "It appears that playing Ridge Racer V will cause corruption of the card data which in turn destroys the DVD drivers that are loaded onto the card. DVD functionality is thus removed from the PS2 and the user will have to re-load the DVD drivers onto the 8M card. Sony have issued an official recall of the PS2 memory card in Japan".
There are also various problems with DVD playback and even overheating (which plagued a few DC consoles at the US launch). Click here for the full story, thanks to ^S0NIQ^ for the news.
- atila
The Flyer Viewer at Arcade Flyers has been updated, it now has 536 entries!
- atila
Do you know what happens on your desk at night ? You're about to find out ;)
- atila
Demonews told me about the 3rd alpha release of Scitech Display Doctor 7.0!!! Why 3 exclamation points? Well, anyone who's used SDD extensively knows how awesome this display utility is for emulators. You can get the file at the above link, and check out the Scitech site to learn more. Hopefully a full public release will happen soon supporting all the hot new graphics cards. (Thanks Johnny Cedergren) (edited by Atila)
- prophet
There has been some progress on Virtual Reality, a Nintendo 64 emulator in progress. Manic Miner 64 and Fractal Zoomer now work in a newly released version 0.2.
- dutch
RockNES 1.03 has been released, here's the whole what's new list from the homepage:
- Added MMC5 IRQ modes 0 & 1 (Castlevania 3 and Metal Slader Glory works) - Added NES sound frequency sweep (Mario jump sound works) - Fixed MMC5 CHR bank switching (no more glitches) - Fixed a color bug with VS Excitebike (black instead of blue) - Fixed 4-screen mirroring set when you load a state (*.RNx), ok - Fixed RAM saving when you save a state ($0800-$1000 block fills the RAM) - Keyboard & joystick can be enabled (like p1 as joystick, p2 as keyboard) - Added joystick calibration on startup (check rnsetup.cfg for information) - Adjusted mapper #40 IRQ timing to fix the 'cloud glitch' - Removed screen clearing (bitmap is always cleared with black) - Added vsync, joypad calibration and bitmap blitter select in the config - Default bitmap blitter changed to old blitter (more compatible) - More minor problems has been fixed, some junk removed.
- dutch
Myzar has translated his unofficial Nemu64 ini file to French and Portoguese. Emuforce has also updated theirs as well...
- dutch
Connectix have finally released Virtual Game Station for the PC. Now PC users can see what Mac users have had for so long. (Connectix' own web page does not appear to be updated yet).
- richard
GuruChoc is back, ride 'em cowboy! RS did an "interesting" update as well...
- prophet
Electronic Arts is looking for emu authors and more!
"Electronic Arts - Tiburon, located in Orlando, Florida, is looking for emulator programmers who are interested in turning their hobby into a full time job in the video game industry. Tiburon is responsible for the Madden and NCAA series of games and does work on all major platforms, including the new Playstation2. It's a lot of work and very challening but also very rewarding with excellent benefits and cool new hardware all the time. If you're a talented C/assembly programmer or 3D artist and would like to discuss potential opportunities, please email John Schappert (General Manager, Tiburon) at"
- atila
Small, yet important update at the MAMED/MESSD site: James has updated the MAMED & MESSD source so that it now supports all shipping Digita OS cameras.
- atila
I always thought Kiwi's might be a bit weird, since they live upside down ( ;), but now I know for sure. Thanks to Dan for the link.
- atila
PSXEMU.COM has reopened and is now hosting AdriPSX, a PSX emulator and the site for Null's PSU plugin, for use with PSEmu. A new version of AdriPSX was also released earlier today, thanks to Bleem!Park for the news.
- atila
Sonic week continues over at Genesis Power with Sonic and Knuckles and Sonic 3D Blast.
- dutch
The 3 millionth visitor to Arcade ROM Heaven will legally be entitled to play Ninja Gaiden, Techno's WWF Superstars, and maybe some other games in Mame! ;)
- dutch
Boob, the "other unofficial Nemu page," has updated their compatibility list and ini files for Nemu64. I hear from various places that Emuforce has also posted an updated ini file for the emulator. Will the madness ever stop? ;)
- dutch
Gl2ideal 1.2 has been released, this is a bugfix release for this Glide Wrapper. Thanks to EmuHQ for the news.
- dutch
VisualBoy 1.4 is out, this version of the Gameboy emulator for Windows includes bugfixes and adds support for GameGenie and GameShark. Thanks to a@h for the news.
- dutch
WWEMU (World Wide Emulation) now has a new domain name -
- dutch
A new NES emulator for Win32 has been released called DreamNES, the the current version is 1.5.0. Also available in the archive is a frontend called ROM Encyclopedia, which can correct ROMs with bad headers. There are English and Chinese versions available for download. Try it and see how it works for you.
- dutch
PC-Engine Power has made a *temporary* return. I highly recommend that fans of that great little NEC system take a look. Also, if you have space to host them, please visit and email DarkTetsuya.
- prophet
A little birdie told me that Ridge Racer V (Playstation2) is floating around in downloadable form, on various sites. I guess it's safe to assume that Namco didn't use DVD discs to release this game on ? There are (obviously) no PS2 emulators and the game does not run in CD-R form on the PS2. I guess this bit falls in the "Damn, that was fast!" category.
- atila
The Stairway To Hell has added 75 Acorn Electron games for download. There are no Electron emus at the moment, but one is being worked on.
- atila
Myzar's site has gotten a facelift, it's now the Unofficial Nemu Comp Page. Myzar has posted the results of Nemu64's (Nintendo 64 emulator for PC) compatibility with various commericial games.
- dutch
Hehehe.. anyone want to bid on this rare Pikamac? Thanks for that one, Exodus3D. :)
- dutch
If any OS/2 users downloaded the Retrocade for OS/2 alpha that was released a few days ago and have some startup problems, an updated binary has been posted which fixes it. Otherwise, you could just wait 10 seconds and press enter. :) Thanks to EmuHQ for the news.
- dutch
The X68000 Game Pile has added two more games to their archive, Elle and Irium.
- dutch
There has been some development over at the MESS site, Nate Woods and Ernesto Corvi are working on a Mac Plus driver, and Peter Trauner has sent in drivers for "yet more weird and wonderful Commodore systems."
- dutch
Like screenshots? The PCSX homepage has been updated with 33 of them. PCSX is a Playstation emulator in development for the PC. Thanks to WiLD_ for the news.
- dutch
SMS Power has been updated with images of Sega Music Editor (Japanese) for the Sega Computer 3000, Super Monaco Grand Prix 2 for the Master System, and Ninku for Game Gear.
- dutch
Xavier has updated the catver.ini file for the Arcade@home frontend, now supporting Mame v36rc1.
- dutch
Peepo has added another batch of tape images to Redump64 , check the what's new section for the full list. These are cassette tape images of Commodore 64 titles.
- dutch
The Guru posted some information and screenshots for NBA Jam Rev 2.0 and NBA Jam Tournament Edition (he doesn't have anything playable though).
- dutch
Hugo 1.11 has been released today, "As for new features, you'll have a better adpcm sound (thanks to David Michel), a debugged dos 800x600 video mode, two more working hu cards without command line options and cleaner source (much cleaner :)." Thanks much to WiLD_ for the news.
- dutch
Saturday, March 4th 2000 - Last updated @ 16:23 EST
NLMSX 0.22 released! Here's what's new in this MSX emulator:
- Added support for kanji, JIS 1st and JIS 2nd standards.
- Fixed a minor problem with the commandline parameters
BUNG Enterprises have announced that they will stop producing (almost?) ALL their backup devices come March 8. Very sad news indeed, thanks to NuReality for the news.
- atila
VMWARE 2.0 released! VMWARE can be considered the "ultimate emulator" as it will allow you to run another (or several other!) operating system(s) at the same time you're running your main OS. You can run WINDOWS in Linux or LINUX while running WINDOWS, together with DOS or any another x86 OS :) Yes, it costs money, but it's well worth it. Thanks to Jandaman for the news.
- atila
Dreamcast.IGN has done a story, trying to figure out why Electronic Arts has still not released ANYTHING for the Dreamcast. I fully agree with the article and it is royally p*ssing me off. Apparently EA doesn't want to make money, EA is perfectly happy with the fact that they're missing out on HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, just so that they can snuggle up to Sony. Here's a snippet from the article:
"The fact is, you obviously believe in the quality of your product. You obviously think you're all that, the bag of're apparently the farm the potatoes are being grown at, and we all know kids still like potato chips. Howsabout you start showing the kids you like them (or at least their money), as well?"
Since EA doesn't mind losing money, I will gladly supply my account number to ANY EA EXECUTIVE so that they can wire some $$$ my way. All "kidding" aside, I hope EA will soon start listening to the cries of the gamers out there and release some DC ports of their games. Which WILL sell millions.
- atila
Carnaval has arrived in most European countries, as well as Brazil. During these 4 days, people dress up in funny/weird outfits, get AND stay drunk and have lots and lots of sex with people they've never met before :) A lot of cities also change their names during this period, Eindhoven (my city :) changes its name to LAMPEGAT (Light Hole), that light reference is because of Philips which has its base in Eindhoven.
Every city gets its own PRINCE CARNAVAL complete with their "secretaries", Counsel of Eleven (they get drunk together with the prince =) and 'cheerleader'-type girls, LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL!!!
- atila
SMS Power has been updated with Lion King (Master System), Fantasy Zone 2 JP (Master System), and Jeopardy! (Game Gear).
- dutch
Lanzador Uni version 22 Deluxe has been released, this adds a cool new design and skin support! :) There has also been a release of Lanzador Uni 0.22 for M.E.S.S. as well. Thanks to PRoToCoL for the news.
- dutch
The CCS64 Commodore 64 emulator for Win32 has been updated to version 2.0, this is a bugfix release. Thanks to EmuCamp for the news.
- dutch
Roddy has posted Assassins Games Disks 21-30 over at Geoshockfr.
- dutch
ViCE 1.3 has been released on March 1st, ViCE stands for Versatile Commodore Emulator, and emulates "C64, the C128 (80 column screen is included now), the VIC20, all the PET models (except the SuperPET 9000, which is out of line anyway) and the CBM-II (aka C610)." Online are binaries for Unix, MS-DOS, Win95/NT, OS/2, and RiscOS. Thanks to EmuCamp for the news.
- dutch
Myzar has once again updated his unofficial compatibility list for Nemu64. There is also another nice list here, thanks to EmuHQ for the link.
- dutch
Team Japump dumped a slew of ROMs, check out their site for the full list. Be advised that they aren't available for download anywhere.
- dutch
GoodLynx 0.982 has been released, this is the first Lynx release from Cowering. Thanks to Ben-J for the news.
- dutch
Xmame v36b16.1 has been just been released at the homepage, thanks to Mameworld (and its new logo :) for the news.
- dutch
Friday, March 3rd 2000 - Last updated @ 16:23 EST
Imagine a Sony Playstation 2 with a 25GB hard drive, a modem and the ability to download games... Well, it just might happen! (Thanks Billy Lee)
- prophet
Winamp 2.61 has been released, this includes better CD audio support and also Winamp Advanced Visualization Studio 2.0. Thanks to a@h for the news.
- dutch
Sardius updated his site with more dumps, and also updated his NES undumped list.
- dutch
The NeoGeo Pocket has had a redesign and NGPC Shock has all the new pics :) If you're on the look out for a new handheld, you should definately check this little powerhouse out.
- atila
The Comeback64 site (C64 emu) has been updated with a bit of news, here goes:
- Unix port sourcecode has been updated to Alpha 2
- bugfixes
- adds support for high-endian machines, so it should run on almost all Unix-style machines.
- Added new binary: SunOS SPARC
- Added source-code for the Windows port
- atila
Since Chello's mail server is screwing up again, please use to mail me. I can't even check yesterday's and today's mail right now.
- atila
Here's one for you SNK fans - King of Fighters 2000 has been announced! Very little is known yet, but Madman's Cafe has posted what news is available at this time. Will it be for the old NeoGeo MVS or some other arcade hardware? We shall see...
- prophet
Brian Deuel is now maintaining the official homepage for Phil Stroffolino's Monaco GP simulator, hosted over at Vintage Gaming. Online are news, screenshots, and technical information.
- dutch
Here's my understanding about Raine.. I am not Rainedev nor am I a beta tester, but I did speak to Guru-Choc, who told me that there was some *thought* to "cleaning up" version .28f and releasing a "finalized" version of it. If that happens, the authors still have no plans to continue with it.
- dutch
Issue #6 of The Bit Age Times is now out: "The Top 50 list continues! See if you agree or disagree with the next ten. We also take a look at the Magic Engine emulator and the Cinemaware website. Plus, the prose story, "I was a Teenaged Altered Beast" continues. So hop right in and enjoy yourself!"
- dutch
Warmtoe Productions has released a web-based front end for emulators called Hyper, which works in conjuction with another program he released called "Play." "Hyper is a new idea in front ends. It discovers what games you have on your hard drive, builds a game database of them, and allows you to build a front end in standard HTML using supplied templates." You can then click links to launch games with the "Play" program. Give it a try and see how you like it! Thanks to Mr. PRoToCoL for the news.
- dutch
Rodimus Prime has released a hi score tracking utility for Mame v36rc1 called Powerscore. Thanks to Mame World for the news.
- dutch
Retrocade Alpha2 for OS/2 has been released, this includes lots of bugfixes. :) Thanks to EmuHQ for the info.
- dutch
Myzar has "heavily updated" his unofficial Nemu64 compatibility page and ini file. :)
- dutch
1-UP 0.9.82 has been released. Loads of bug fixes and new features have been added, check the homepage for a full list. If you already have version 9.77 or later, you can download this 310K patch instead of the full 4 meg install. Thanks again, PRoToCoL. :)
- dutch
OpenGLide v0.05a has been released, this Glide wrapper includes bugfixes and speedups. Thanks to EmuHQ for the news.
- dutch
Thursday, March 2nd 2000 - Last updated @ 16:27 EST
Let's say you're a six years old kid and completely crazy about PokeMon. Let's say you go to school and the hall monitor takes your Pokemon cards away. Let's say the hall monitor loses your PokeMon cards. Let's say you sue the school for $5,000. Let's say you win. Impossible ? Only in America. Thanks to Katharsis for the link.
- atila
The MEP crew says that "fMSX is now also available for BeOS. Version 2.01 has been ported to this new OS. It still lacks sound support and not all keys are mapped. Also there's no GUI. So it's quite basic, but it works pretty well. So now you will be able to play all your favourite MSX games on the BeOS systems as well !!" Get it at the MSX Emulator Page -- NOW!
- atila
I spent over an hour on the phone with Zophar, just talking about nothing, basically. It's kinda like IRC, except now it was on the phone. I showed Brad this scan I made from a game I recieved this morning, which was WAAAY up there on my wishlist, from the good people at EIDOS. Thank you, you know who you are ;-) For other companies out there, feel free to send us nice goodies if you have something laying around, we can always put it to good use =)
- atila
Corn (N64 emu) is still alive and kicking, the site has been updated with a bit of news and some yummy new screenshots!
- atila
Today's tech news: If you're unemployed in the UK, chances are that you will get a free cellphone or pager, the same story also tells that if you are a criminal and are in jail, that you can get a nice Nintendo console to keep you company. Next up is Intel, who will supposedly release a 1Ghz CPU this month. IBM has unveiled a new 0.08 micron process, which should make CPUs even faster.
- atila
The following was an urgent request, so I decided to post it. If you live in the UK and need a job, then the following might be something for you:
"Urgently required: Full time permanent position to create and maintain a web portal for all things games development related. UK based - North London (Watford). Skills required: V. Good Web abilities, basic programming skills - pref C & C++. Must have a serious passion for games, games and games, oh and preferably music too! Additional qualities: reliable, honest, humorous and a workaholic. Please contact now - Jon Silvera of FastTrak Software Publishing on +44 (0)1923 495 506 or e-mail - Thank you."
- atila
So much for getting your hands on an import PS2, thanks to GAG for the link.
- atila
Whew, sorry I'm late. It's upgrade week where I work, so I hardly have any free time during my second shift hours. If you're an office furniture dealer, please read the fine manual and quit calling me! :P
- dutch
In case you missed it, be sure to check the Nemu64 homepage for hWnd's thoughts on Voodoo cards. He basically states that he won't support 3DFX cards, Nemu64 is designed for Nvidia cards.
- dutch
Roman posted another DAT file for CLRMame Pro over at the CLRMame Pro homepage, this time it's for JFF 0.24, courtesy of Morpheus 72.
- dutch
DarcNES for Windows has moved over to, so update those bookmarks! Looks like it also gets a new logo! ;) Version 1.06 for Windows is now out, be sure to give the new webpage a look for a full list of what's new.
- dutch
RockNES 1.02 has been released, this fixes some bugs and adds mapper #226-27 support, and also includes a new IRQ handler system.
- dutch
Ooo! Aussie Slang!! I will definitely be studying this! Thanks for the link Guru-Choc, but we all know you're a pom. ;) Don't forget to check his needed soon ROMs section!
- dutch
SadNES 0.12 Criptonyta Version for Win32 has been released. New in this version: "Option Dialog available for configuring the Emu, not much for now, but something, you can configure the Frameskip, and support for Instant Redraw (recomended only for P3-500+), enabling Instant Redraw should fix the bugs with pacman ..."
- dutch
Myzar is a busy man, he has once again updated his compatibility list and unofficial ini file for Nemu64. "now castelvania works more not only the intro, check the shots at my page :) fifa 99 partially working but gfx badly messed up and wipeout 64 playable if you can start it with out menu gfx." I mirrored his unofficial ini file in case Xoom does something evil to it. ;)
- dutch
PSM Play version 3 is now out, this is a player for Windows that lets you play back STR/XA/TIM files on your Playstation CDs. Check the homepage for all the details! Thanks to EmuHQ for the news.
- dutch
Wednesday, March 1st 2000 - Last updated @ 14:46 EST
James has added MAMED for the HP C500 Photosmart and Minolta Dimage 1500 EX camera. Owners of those cameras can now enjoy MAME on their machines too :)
- atila
Sure are busy lads at Explosion Net, they've once again updated the .ini and the compatibility list for use with NEMU 0.7
- atila
For the time being, visitors of Free Donation are allowed to donate more than "just" once a day - and for different purposes at that! It won't take very long to click a few times, so help out if you can. Thanks to Chris for the heads-up.
- atila
Battle Sphere for Jaguar has been finished and is available for sale. All profits of this game will go to Diabetes research and the VERY FIRST copy (autographed by all developers) is avaible on eBay, the current bid is at $740 !! You can read the full press release here, thanks to Outlawz for the news.
- atila
A-Saturn seems to be dead, here's what's written on the site: "00/03/01 A-SATURN discontinued, I have a nervous break down by A-SATURN. I will don't open A-SATURN's source code." This is a real shame, since A-Saturn was the most promising Saturn emulator out there. We wish Azuco all the best, thanks to Ben-J for the news.
- atila
Can't get enough of Crazy Taxi? Check today's Overclocked. ;)
- dutch
NoSTalgia 0.65 has been released, this is an AtariST emulator for the Mac. This version fixes some bugs and crashes and adds internal support for 2nd harddrive (driver not yet available). Thanks to EmuHQ for the news.
- dutch
Remember that project that I mentioned Phil Stroffolino would be working on for Monaco GP and Pong? You can see WIP pics of the Monaco GP simulator here! Thanks for the link, Till.
- dutch
Team Japump has dumped Fairy Land Story (JPN Ver.), Space Position (JPN Ver.), and War of Aero - project MEIOU. I do not believe these dumps are available anywhere on the net.
- dutch
Genesis Power has been updated with a dump of Klax (Atari-Tengen) (U).
- dutch
Joe Landsverk mailed us about the Rent-A-Hero situation reported earlier, the story's source has taken down the part about the original Rent-A-Hero being included. "We think that it's still being emulated, but is probably something secret. Also, we've also posted the first new screens of the Dreamcast version."
- dutch
"4 weeks planning, 12 weeks development, 2000 lines of code - its finally here. Welcome to the revamped!!!"
- dutch
One last roll of the dice for Raine? What choo talkin' about Guru-Choc? :)
- dutch
This fall, UC Irvine will offer the "first program in the nation dedicated solely to studying video games." Thanks for the link, Drewbert.
- dutch