Friday, February 28th 2003 - Last updated @ 17:17 EST
emilia pinball-0.1.3 - Emilia Pinball is a pinball simulator for Linux and other Unix systems. There is only one level to play with, but it is very addictive. There is also a Windows port available.
- chris
Eternal Lands 0.5.8 - Eternal Lands is a multiplatform (Windows/Linux) 3D graphical online world that will evolve into a fully-featured MMORPG. It requires a hardware-accelerated video card that supports at least OpenGL 1.2.
- chris
T-Shirt Season Around The Corner! - That must be why all of a sudden the T-shirts on both the MAME site and our site are selling like crazy... or maybe people just like the shirts :) Anyway, if you would like to order a MAME shirt you can do that via this link and RETROGAMES shirts are available through this link for the special low price of $12.
- atila
Wine Traffic - Brian Vincent has published Wine Traffic #159 for 28 Feb, 2003. It also looks as if the Kernel Cousin nomenclature has been removed (Wine Traffic sounds better anyway.)
- chris
CPS-2 Shock Release - Razoola has released 1944:The Loop Master. CPS2mame has also been updated to support this game.
- Griking
Project Tempest WIP - There's some new pictures posted over at the Project Tempest website. Blitter emulation is being rebuilt and I-War now has working 3D graphics.
- Griking
Thursday, February 27th 2003 - Last updated @ 21:35 EST
GBA Update: SMS emu WIP, and the GBA SP - GameBoy Advance fans should love the latest WIP screenshots of Reesy's DrSMS, a Sega Master System emulator! Also, I recently imported a black Japanese GBA SP (new model GBA with light, rechargeable battery etc.). Here's a few pics that may be of interest: SP & an apple, SP on top, SP in middle, SP with box, SP compared to Afterburner (SP is on the bottom). Best portable ever IMO. *UPDATE* - Someone emailed me, somewhat angrily, to ask if my Afterburner is dimmed in the last photo. The answer is no, my Afterburner really is that much darker than my GBA SP. I have seen photos where Afterburners look brighter, so don't judge by mine alone. In the end, use and enjoy whatever you like best.
- prophet
crossfire 1.5.0 - CrossFire is a highly graphical role-playing adventure game with characteristics reminiscent of Rogue, Nethack, Omega, and Gauntlet. Changes: can be read here.
- chris
dapple2 0.24 - dapple2 has an update. Changes: can be read here.
- chris
WLA DX 8.8 - WLA DX is yet another macro assembler that can program the GB-Z80, Z80, 6502, 65c02, 6510, 65816, HuC6280, and SPC-700 CPUs. Changes: A few very important 65c02, HuC6280, and SPC-700 fixes (missing and bad opcodes) were fixed. Support for really long file names and more error checking code were added.
- chris
noeGNUd 0.2 - noeGNUd aims to be the ultimate User Interface ( UI ) for nethack. Changes: Many minor fixes, although the primary motivation for this release was the upgrade of the nethack game engine from 3.4.0 to 3.4.1.
- chris
Wednesday, February 26th 2003 - Last updated @ 12:41 EST
KCemu 0.3.7 - kcemu is a free emulator for the KC85 homecomputer series. It runs not only popular games as Digger and Boulderdash but also the special KC CP/M version called MicroDOS.
- chris
Wolfpack Emu 12.9.2 - Wolfpack Emu is a server-side Ultima Online MMORPG software. The project has started back in 1998 and has aquired both users and developers since then. Changes: can be read here.
- chris
Tuesday, February 25th 2003 - Last updated @ 21:49 EST
Retrogaming Times - Retrogaming Times #66 is up. This issue includes a nice review of the PS2's Activision Anthology, The many faces of Atlantis and Dragonfire, and a bunch of other great classic gaming articles.
- Griking
PSXEven v0.12 - Another PSXEven update. Changes are;
Fixed bugs in RTPS/RTPT (RR4, "black shadow" problem)
Added temporary patches for Tekken2 JP/NTSC, fixes totally screwed graphics. (will be removed later, when correct fix is implemented in the rec)
Fixed "runaway" cdrom read bug, which screwed up timing.
Removed "normalized cdrom timing", not needed anymore.
Fixed VH2 game, works in software only, doesnt seem to work in opengl. (thnx Cless)
Minor speedups and added some speedhacks (tell me if i screwed up some games okay? ;p)
Fixed PE2 MDEC (environmental) bug which crashed game before Akropolis area.
Fixed MDEC flag settings during DMA's.
Total code overhaul, well not apparent to you guys, but made major changes to the code. This might have screwed some games so tell me if it does. :)
- Griking
System 16 - Sixtoe has just finished a HUGE update over at System 16, the Arcade Museum. You can pass a few hours easily going through all the great information over there.
- Griking
Monday, February 24th 2003 - Last updated @ 22:24 EST
Icarus Update - A lot of WIP updates today. There's been a bunch of new screenshot posted on the Icarus homepage recently. Icarus is a work in progress Dreamcast emulator.
- Griking
Virtual Jaguar WIP - There's been another WIP update of this as of yet unreleased Atari Jaguar emulator.
- Griking
Mupen64 v0.1 - Mupen64 is a multi platform Nintendo64 emulator. Lots of changes in this version; Core Changes
Sram bug zelda oot fixed
Flashram is working
A new interupt system that'll enabled
More accurate timing in the future but can cause some compatibility issues right now
Bug in DMULT/DMULTU opcode fixed
Some optimizations in jump instructions
Sound plugins support implemented but not well supported. Use sound at your own risk :D
A clean tlb implementation
tlb exception handled correctly
Compressed save states with slots
The whole memory map has been almost completes
Newly emulated games include goldeneye, conker's bad fur day and perfect dark :)
Windows Port Changes
Zipped Cache to Rom Browser
Multy slot save states
Md5 based Ini
Rom properties dialog
Sound support
Config plugins dialog allows you to chose and configure plugins
Multi directories in rom browser with recursion as an option
Audit roms dialog
Many bugs fixed and minor features added
Linux Port Changes
A new gui made by Blight very similar to the windows one. Everything in the gui is new so one line many new things ;)
Warning, You may want to turn on your popup blocker before visiting this site.
- Griking
SNEeSe v0.774 - SNEeSe, the DOS based SNES emulator has been updated. Changes in this version can be viewed here
- Griking
Sunday, February 23rd 2003 - Last updated @ 17:09 EST
virtualti-3.0-alpha1 - Virtual TI emulates nearly the entire line of Texas Instruments graphing calculators, and offers features that speed up both debugging and testing of calculator programs. Windows version is quite stable but the Linux version is only in planning.
- chris
emutos 0.6 - emutos is a GEMDOS compatible operating system for Atari ST series computers. It is made from Digital Research's GPLed original sources and will be a free and open source replacement for common TOS images.
- chris
Saturday, February 22nd 2003 - Last updated @ 12:23 EST
VisualBoy Advance - There's been an update on the VirtualBoy Advance website announcing that AGBPrint support is being added to the emulator and that he needs some assistance testing it. AGBPrint seems to be something for developers only and not normal users.
- Griking
Guru Update - The Guru has updated his website today with details of "Shopraid #4" and the many new boards he's aquired.
- Griking
Friday, February 21st 2003 - Last updated @ 23:26 EST
Icarus Update - The homepage of Icarus, the WIP Dreamcast emulator has been updated with some new screenshots. According to the author "Homebrew rendering has been greatly improved in Sonic's Direct3d plugin, and a core bug has been zapped fixing many homebrew texture errors".
- Griking
Lost Hero - losthero is a dungeon with old style 3D engine. We love DM, EOB & Wiz. This game is in same game style - 3-6 characters in play, dungeons, cities and wilderness, fights and tasks.
- chris
WineX Game Manager 0.6 - wgm is a graphical tool to help you install/uninstall games running under WineX. Changes: no more splash screens after choosing 'install' or 'play', All windows are centered on the screen now, a lot of bug fixes.
- chris
gnomeBoyAdvance 0.1 - gnomeBoyAdvance is a frontend for the visual boy advance emulator, written in Python using the gnome tool kit.
- chris
PCSX2 v.02 - PCSX2, the new PS2 emulator for Windows and Linux has been updated. Changes in version .02 are;
Rewrite of MMI
Fix bugs in fielio
Fix counters
New thread HLE code
Fixes to CDVD HLE code
Fixes-adds to VU code More vu opcodes
Add some more cpu opcodes
More ipu code
Add 3dnow-3dnow2-sse instructions to recompiler FAST with Althlon XP
Also out is CDVDXeven v0.10, a new plugin to use if you're tired of using ISOs in PCSX2.
- Griking
Tuesday, February 18th 2003 - Last updated @ 13:31 EST
xu4 0.5 - xu4 is a recreation of the classic computer RPG Ultima IV for modern operating systems. Changes:
- lots of combat refinements, random monsters
- lots of fixes to vendor code (weapon, armor and food fully implemented)
- Lord British nows heals party when asked about health
- "Mix Reagents" command works
- the "Yell" command now controls horse speed
- lots of the game mechanics that were guessed before now match the original Ultima IV
- two new utility programs are provided for encoding and decoding the graphics files used in the introduction (lzwenc & lzwdec)
- the usual bug fixes
- chris
kstella 0.8.0 - Kstella is a KDE frontend to the excellent Atari 2600 emulator, Stella. Changes:
* Large speed improvement in this release. A cache file was introduced so that if the ROM's directory hasn't changed since you last ran KStella, then the cache file is used, speeding up ROM analysis.
* Many UI changes that reflect new options in Stella 1.3.
* Made viewing of the preview window optional. Relating to this, the buttons previously associated with the preview window have been removed and placed in a menu.
* Preview window has been greatly improved. It can now be resized to any size, and previews are much faster if using opaque window resizing.
* Updated user manual.
- chris
AdvanceSCAN v1.5 / AdvanceCOMP 1.5 - AdvanceSCAN is a command line rom manager for MAME, MESS, AdvanceMAME, AdvanceMESS and Raine for GNU/Linux, DOS and Windows. AdvanceCOMP is a set of recompression utilities for .PNG, .MNG and .ZIP files.
- chris
AdvanceMENU 2.2.4 - AdvanceMENU is a frontend for AdvanceMAME, MAME, MESS, RAINE and other arcade emulators. It supports extended features like PNG/MNG/MP3 animated snapshots, up to 192 previews at the same time, and many other features. Changes: Fixes for some problems with the Linux FrameBuffer and ALSA drivers.
- chris
AdvanceMAME 0.65.0 / AdvanceMESS 0.64.0 - AdvanceMAME / AdvanceMESS is a port of the MAME, MESS, and PacMAME emulators for arcade monitors and TVs, but also for normal PC monitors. Changes: This release fixes some problems with the Linux FrameBuffer and ALSA drivers.
- chris
Stella 1.3 - Stella is a multi-platform Atari 2600 VCS emulator released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The DOS, Linux/Unix ports are currently available, other ports will be released as they become available. Changes: can be read here.
- chris
Monday, February 17th 2003 - Last updated @ 20:19 EST
BeMAME v0.65 for BeOS has gotten a small update fixing rotation problems. Here's the official word from Caz:
I've just sent the fixed source to GoodOldGames as he is doing the builds of mame, so when he's had time to make a build, you'll find the rotation problem is fixed. There is a new option in mame 0.65 called vertical scanlines, it seems to slow the emulator down a little, so you can set scanlines=horizontal in mame.cfg. The old version of 0.65 was using Yoshi's drawing routines, the new source is fully up to date with all options available in the msdos version.
You can go and grab it and many other emulators from BeEmulated.
- dhalamar
WineX Progress Report - Transgaming has published their WineX Progress Report for Feburary. Lots of progress in lots of different areas. Medal of Honor is now working thanks to some help from Ryan Gordon.
- chris
Virtual GameBoy Advance 1.7 - VGBA is a portable emulator of the Nintendo's GameBoy Advance handheld videogame consoles. To run older GameBoy and GameBoy Color software, take a look at my other project, Virtual GameBoy (VGB). Changes:
* Switched to the latest version of the OpenWatcom C/C++ compiler.
* The infamous Windows problem with spaces in directory names seems to be fixed by using a newer compiler.
* Joystick problems in VGBA-Windows are fixed.
* Added joystick configuration to VGBA-Windows setup panel.
* Fixed sound in VGBA-Windows on Windows 2000.
The Great One WIP - Aaron Giles has posted some work in progress screenshots of Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey. Who says you can't emulate The Great One?
- chris
Game Videos - Check out SegaXtreme for some new home made music videos based on videogames. Some of them are kind of large (20+ mb) so beware if you're on a 56k modem. The Dreamcast one "Can't Last Forever" was pretty cool.
- Griking
Opera v7.1 Bork - Opera has released a new version of it's excellent web browser. Among other changes, in this version "Users accessing the MSN site will see the page transformed into the language of the famous Swedish Chef from the Muppet Show: Bork, Bork, Bork!". Full story here. Opera v7.1 "Bork" can be downloaded here.
Yeah, this is off topic but it's funny as hell.
- Griking
Meka v0.64c - Meka, The Sega Master System / Colecovision emulator has been updated after a long quiet spell. There are a ton of changes and fixes in this version which can be viewed here
- Griking
Sunday, February 16th 2003 - Last updated @ 17:04 EST
MESS 0.65 - Nathan Woods has released a new version of MESS with the latest MAME core! Other changes include:
- Fixed a fatal bug that could cause crashes when unmounting disk images for certain systems at runtime. [Nate Woods]
- [Win32] Fixed a bug that caused us to be looking for the MAME names of sysinfo.dat and messinfo.dat (history.dat and mameinfo.dat). [Nate Woods]
- [Win32 GUI] Fixed a bug that caused software specific screenshots to not show up if clicking between tabs. [Nate Woods]
- chris
z26 Windows v2.05 - z26 the Atari 2600 emulator has been ported to Windows. For now the GUI is gone but is planned to be back later. Other changes are;
The assembly language emulator core is now pure 32-bit code.
There are new windowed video modes.
As far as we know, all games that used to run still run.
Unix Amiga Delitracker Emulator 0.80-pre3 - UADE plays old Amiga music formats by UAE Amiga emulation. It supports at least 150 different formats. Changes: New formats (ems v6, mcmd), improved formats (earcahe, protracker clones, mmdc, magnetic fields packer, tomy tracker, and ultimate st.), and code cleanups.
- chris
u6edit - u6edit is a world editor for Ultima 6. It draws on previously available information and my own research, and integrates them into a graphical environment that lets you alter many aspects of the Ultima 6 world.
- chris
Guru Shop Raid! / MAME Targets - The Guru has received a ton of new PCBs from his shop raid #4. Shipments 2 & 3 (of I think a total of 5) have arrived! There has also been an update over at the MAME Targets Page.
- chris
Gex v.09 - Gex, the Windows based Gameboy / Gameboy Color emulator has been updated. Charges are;
Better Debugger
Sound emulation (Very very poor, but it´s something. DirectX needed!)
Max fps = 60
Full throttling
Timing change (some old games work better with timing number 2)
Timer enable (some games like MK4 or Zelda Oracle of.. works better)
Saturday, February 15th 2003 - Last updated @ 23:20 EST
Project Tempest v0.45 - Project Tempest, the Atari Jaguar emulator has been updated. This version supports a few new games, offers a bit more speed and uses DirectX 7 again.
- Griking
PSXeven v0.1b WIP got released. Apparently the last version had some major bugs to be addressed, and this version fixes them, along with a new option to run PSX .exe files, among other things. You can download it from the Batards at PSXFanatics. Thanks to NGEmu for the news.
- dhalamar
Friday, February 14th 2003 - Last updated @ 17:13 EST
WineX Game Manager - WGM version 0.2 has been released!
- chris
Project AY update - To mark the public release of DeliPlayer 2 (which now supports AY files), Project AY has been updated with 24 updated AY files.
- chris
GameCabinetsInc Contest - David from GameCabinetsInc is having a contest for a free tracball controller! Scroll down to the bottom of the page to fill out the entry form.
- chris
MAMu_'s Icons - MAMu_ has updated his icon collection to version 0.65.
- chris
QMamecat 0.44.b45 - qmamecat is Qt based X-Mame frontend. Changes: options now use Qsettings (and more).
- chris
jmame 0.6.2 - jmame is a Java-based frontend to XMAME. It uses the Swing toolkit and uses XML to store all settings. Changes: This version adds support for DOS or enhanced frame skip code and includes general code and class clean-ups.
- chris
AtariSIO 0.10 - AtariSIO is a Linux kernel driver module plus a small set of tools that implement the Atari 8-bit (400/600/800/XL/XE) computer series SIO protocol.
- chris
Atari800 1.3 - Atari800 is an Atari 800, 800XL, 130XE and 5200 emulator for Unix, Amiga, MS-DOS, Atari TT/Falcon, SDL and WinCE. Changes: can be read here.
- chris
Underworld Adventures 0.7 - Underworld Adventures is a project to recreate Ultima Underworld 1 on modern operating systems, using the original game files. Changes: This release features initial conversation support (no inventory interaction yet), support for 3D models for static objects (some models are included), and big textures larger than 256x256 are no longer used, which should help Voodoo3 card users. The digital music pack, of course, still works with this release.
- chris
Thursday, February 13th 2003 - Last updated @ 22:36 EST
Virtual Jaguar WIP - There's been a small update at the Virtual Jaguar / Potato Emulation website. Progress has been made on Primal Rage CD and Baldies CD.
- Griking
Sega & Sammy - It's not emulation related but Sega has merged with gambling machine maker and game publisher Sammy Corp. "The merger will create a company with a market value of around €2.2 billion, of which Sega will make up about 54 percent. However, it's likely that Sammy will call many of the shots in the new company, as its strong finances are a key reason for this merger."
- Griking
PSXeven v0.10a - PSXeven is a new work-in-progress Playstation emulator for Windows based computers. Current emulation status is guesstimated to be at about 60-70%. Reports of bugs are encouraged and appreciated by the developer.
- Griking
DiscoTech - Do you like games like Dance Dance Revolution? Are you also into classic gaming? Well check out DiscoTech a new work in progress Atari 2600 homebrew game. The game will be controled via a joystick, keypad or believe it or not the new Atari 2600 Dance Mat. More info on the dance mat is available through this messageboard thread. A work in progress binary is available and being hosted by Atari Age
- Griking
R.O.T.T. - Rise of the Triad, the 3D shooter by Apogee has been ported to the Dreamcast. It's fully playable, has full sound and supports save states. There is no network support at this time though. Pick it up at Boob!
- Griking
Wednesday, February 12th 2003 - Last updated @ 20:50 EST
MAME v0.65 has been ported to BeOS by Caz, though it still needs an active maintainer. "You can download it right here. And anyone who feels up to the task of maintaining MAME for this kickass underrated OS, just give BeEmulated a shout.
- dhalamar
xmame/xmess 0.65.1 - xmame/xmess-0.65.1 is out! Lawrence has decided to live dangerously and dispense with the release candidates this time around. Note that the version of MESS included with this is from CVS, so it isn't the final 0.65.
As usual, thanks to all those who've contributed in one way or another, and apologies for any changes I forgot to credit (the xgl compile fix and makefile tweaks come to mind).
Changes since 0.62.2:
Almost everything from MAME 0.65 and MESS CVS.
Removed support for the ALSA 0.5 plugin. (Shyouzou Sugitani)
The default path for data files in the example rc files, docs, and several scripts is now more FHS-compliant. (Reported by anarxia.)
Disabled XScreenSaver support because it can cause the game window to not open when running in KDE. (Christopher Stone)
Reworked makefile.unix with the intent of making it a bit clearer and easier to tweak.
hdcomp now builds via make -f makefile.unix tools.
Virtual Jaguar WIP - More Virtual Jaguar updates. Troy Aikman Football and Fight for Life are now playable. So when are we going to see a release of this promising yet as of now vaporware emulator?
- Griking
MAME 0.65 - Has been released. You can read the what's new document here, and source code is here.
- chris
Sunday, February 9th 2003 - Last updated @ 21:32 EST
A couple more emulator updates for BeOS to post about here as well. BeSmsPlus 0.94a.1 was released with some small fixes and the addition of Super2xSai/SuperEagle scaling modes, as well as a full screen option. And a VisualBoy Advance v1.4 was released. You can find out more details, as always, at BeEmulated.
- dhalamar
SNES 9X v1.39 - Caz has released a source package for this kick-ass Super Nintendo emulator for BeOS. Everything you need to compile it and even make your own improvements/changes is in it. I know I'm going to grab it once I get a new hard drive (mine unfortunately finally bit the dust). You can nab it right here, and thanks to BeEmulated for the news.
- dhalamar
T1 Car Racing Simulator - T1 Car Racing Simulation is a open source (GPL) 3D car racing game meant to be executable both under Linux, as well as under Windows using the Cygwin emulation layer.
- chris
Trackballs 0.5.1 - Trackballs is a simple game similar to the classic game Marble Madness.
- chris
MAMECAT 0.44 beta 44 - MAMECAT stands for M.A.M.E. Catalog/Launcher. It consists of three programs: qmamecat, an X11/Qt based GUI and the main application; qmsetup, a startup setup wizard for qmamecat; and catgen, a simple catalog generator.
Changes: In this version, the gamelist now scrolls correctly, some tooltips were corrected, the wrong dialog caption for temp dir selection was fixed, the log now shows some data, and the log is now updated after gamelist refresh. The xmame log is now triggered by the process manager, there is a complex dialog to edit M.A.M.E. command line options, the options and MAME options dialogs were totally redesigned, and a Qt-based installer was added.
- chris
Cygwin 1.3.20-1 - Cygwin is a DLL which provides a Unix emulation environment for Windows. Changes: This version fixes an "mmap allocates 2X requested size" problem, a "cygpath returns garbage" problem, a problem where a nonexistent /etc/passwd caused a corrupted name, and core dumping problems manifested in gcc and gdb. It allows GNU-style options in new programs which use getopt.
- chris
Bochs-Tools 1.2.0 - Bochs-Tools is a collection of scripts and programs to be used together with the Bochs emulator. Changes: Disk heads/SPT geometries other than 16/63 are now supported. Man were added, along with extra functionality for a number of commands. bxtptinfo can now dump information about disk images in human-readable form.
- chris
Gnusto 0.1.0 - Gnusto is a JavaScript-based interpreter for Z-machine adventure games, as produced in the 1980s by Infocom and in recent time by the Inform compiler. Changes: The backend was improved, and small games can now be played. The user interface was also rewritten to work as a Mozilla-based application.
- chris
Sega System 24 - Charles MacDonald has released source code to his Sega System 24 emulator. It doesn't play any games, but the service/test modes are mostly all accessible. And no, it's not 2006. ;-)
- chris
Saturday, February 8th 2003 - Last updated @ 23:51 EST
EMU-LMAO Award - Well, I'm not much for speeches, but what can I say? I am truely honored. Ever since I first discovered EMU-LMAO several years ago, I have been wondering when I would be bestowed the greatest honor an emulation site op can dream of, EMU-LMAO of the Month! Now that I have achieved this great honor, I can raise my ambitions to be EMU-LMAO of the year for 2003! (One can dream can't he?) ;-)
- chris
VirtuaNES v0.74 - VirtuaNES, a Windows based NES emulator has seen an update today. This is a Japanese emulator and the items in the change.log aren't very clear since they have been put through a translator.
- Griking
Dapple 2 v1.10 - Dapple 2 has been updated again. Changes are;
Moved the LEDs around a bit.
Supports a real joystick via the standard INT$15 interface. Unlike Dapple, there is no need to run a calibration routine. Note that a real-mode interrupt call has overhead from thunking down to 8088 mode and back up to 386 mode.
Thursday, February 6th 2003 - Last updated @ 20:41 EST
nSX v0.06 has been released, and according to NGEmu it can now run around 30 PS2 demos (a lot of which you can download from Kojote's Homepage). The list of changes and additions is way too long to list here, so I'm just going to tell you that you can get more information, as well as download the Windows binary and source code right here from the nSX2 homepage.
ARAnyM 0.7.0 (Atari Running on Any Machine) has been ported over to BeOS. From BeEmulated (considering I know of no other way to describe this right now =P)...
" It is a virtual machine software for running the Atari ST/TT/Falcon operating systems (TOS, FreeMiNT, MagiC and others) and TOS/GEM applications."
Wednesday, February 5th 2003 - Last updated @ 15:25 EST
gzinc 0.06 - gzinc the Linux, Gnome frontend to the zinc emulator has been updated to version 0.06.
- chris
MESS 0.64 - Nathan Woods has released an updated version of MESS with the new MAME 0.64 core. Other changes include:
System Driver Changes:
- [SNES] SRAM is now saved/restored correctly. Allow DMA registers to be read. More colour addition/subtraction improvements. Fixed the palette not updating in some situations. Improved fixed-colour support. Fixed object drawing at the left and top edges. Added support for clip windows. [Anthony Kruize]
- [SNESPAL] Now informs carts that it's a PAL system. Corrected maximum line count. [Anthony Kruize]
- chris
Guru Dumps - The Guru has some more ROM dumping news! Thanks to JonnyCasino for the info.
- chris
Virtual GameBoy 2.2 - VGB is a portable emulator of the Nintendo's GameBoy, GameBoy Pocket, and GameBoy Color handheld videogame consoles. It also emulates Super GameBoy, GameBoy Printer, GameShark, and the GameGenie. Changes:
* Now zeroing IBackup counter on HALT (Moorhuhn Jagd).
* Fixed a small bug in the serial I/O code.
* Multiple fixes in the sound chip emulation.
* Added load state button ([F6]) and moved other buttons a little bit (see documentation).
* Switched to the latest version of the OpenWatcom C/C++ compiler.
* The infamous Windows problem with spaces in directory names seems to be fixed by using a newer compiler.
* Joystick problems in VGB-Windows are fixed.
* Added joystick configuration to VGB-Windows setup panel.
* Defaults switched to wave synthesis sound in VGB-Windows.
* No longer controlling MIDI sound volume in VGB-Windows.
* Fixed volume controls ([-]/[+]) in VGB-Windows.
* Fixed file extension patterns in VGB-Windows "New" dialog.
* Fixed a Unix sound driver problem with non-atomic write, thanks to Colin Howell.
* Fixed a Windows sound driver problem on Windows 2000.
All unix versions of this software are FREE!!
- chris
Tuesday, February 4th 2003 - Last updated @ 23:29 EST
VB64 v1.13 - VB64 has been updated after a long break. Changes in this version are;
CPU - 6510 all official opcodes and many illegal opcodes there are a few problems with branchwraparound these will be fixed when i find the causes.. very nearly Cycle exact
VIC - Sprites dont roll anymore. still missing sprite stretching Bitmaps work now.. Multi and Hires dunno if FLI etc will work though
SID - Disabled for the forseable future, too many bigger bugs to hunt
CIA - Very crude 6526 emulation, Timers A & B Keyboard handling is a hack but thanks to dave horrocks I am working on a new CIA module atm
IRQ - IRQ's now work, but these are not yet controled from timer A & B of CIA as my crude emulation is a phuk up
MISC - emulator now exits clean :)...
Basic works 100% but the keyboard input hack is s**t
Project Tempest - As a reminder that Virtual Jaguar isn't the only current Jaguar emulator in progress there's been an update over at the Project Tempest WIP website. Progress has been made with and pictures are posted of Power Drive Rally, Supercross 3D, Pitfall, Dragon, and a few others.
- Griking
Virtual Jaguar WIP - There's been a lot of progress made with Virtual Jaguar recently including Jaguar CD emulation.
- Griking
Raine v0.37.3 and BeSmsPlus v0.94a - Both of these have been updated over the last couple of days, to download them both and to see what's new, head back on over to BeEmulated.
- dhalamar
A little more - XMAME for BeOS has been updated to version v0.64.1 RC1, bringing with it the following updates:
* Fixed priorities and shadows in Skull & Crossbones
* Improved sound in Reikai Doushi
* Simulated the 8751 protection in Fire Trap
* Fixed colors in Dynamic Ski
* Samples support in Subroc-3D
* Fixed noie frequency in the Exidy games
* Preliminary Namco NA sound support
* All new, much better, YM2413 emulation
* ADSP-2115 CPU support
* Fixed YMF278B emulation
* Many new games and clones supported
dapple2 0.08 - dapple2 is now under development.
- chris
Games - There are just too many (the ones listed here are just a select portion for the past two days), updating every day will be depend on my free time.
Crimson Fields 0.3.0 - Crimson Fields is a tactical war game in the tradition of Battle Isle.
LinuxSSN Pre Alpha 2.9 - LinuxSSN is a naval combat simulation game.
Pachi el marciano Demo 020203 - Pachi el marciano is a platforms game inspired by games like Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy.
Abe's Amazing Adventure!! 0.2 - Abe's Amazing Adventure!! is a scrolling, platform-jumping, key-collecting, ancient pyramid exploring game, written vaguely in the style of similar games for the Commodore Plus/4.
Advanced Strategic Command 1.12.3 - ASC is a turn-based strategy game in the tradition of Battle Isle 2/3.
AirStrike 1.0pre6a - Airstrike is a 2D dogfight game in the tradition of the Intellivision and Amiga games 'Biplanes' and 'BIP'.
Quake2Forge 0.2 - Quake2Forge is The QuakeForge Project's version of id Software's game, Quake II.
Game Maker - Game Maker is a freeware game generator for designing games.
Super Mario Clone v0.42 - smclone is a super mario clone with a leveleditor and an online database for levels, based on SDL, written in C++.
Escape of the Unicorn - eounicorn is a 2D flying shooter game. The aim is to escape from the dangerous cave and save your life.
JRisk v2 - Java Risk is a java version of the well-known game "risk".
Gpl Arcade Volleyball - Gav is an object-oriented multiplatform Arcade Volleyball clone.
Crystal Space 3D - Crystal Space is an Open Source 3D SDK for Unix, Windows, MacOS/X.
Race - Race is a 3D car game using the Open Dynamics Engine (ODE) for physics.
FreeLords 0.2.0 - FreeLords is a turn-based-strategy game.
MACH3 WIP - There has been another update at the MACH3 WIP page with some more cool screenshots. There is even a mention of a DOS port on the TODO list!
- chris
Monday, February 3rd 2003 - Last updated @ 16:40 EST
GoodSPC is a Nintendo SFC-SNES SPC Music renamer by Cowering.
GoodSPC Stats: 24754 entries
Recent Additions:
First Release. "Guest" renamer [Metroid] did 98% of the work
READ the docs before running.
Please consider joining TeamRetro. See docs for more info
Please e-mail Cowering if you have unrecognized ROMS you wish to get included in the next release (but READ THE DOCS FIRST).
- chris
Retrogaming Radio - This month Retrogaming Radio looks at the history and impact of copy protection in classic gaming, part two of the Daphne-Ownby interview, the regular Bits & Bytes segment, and more! Check it out here!
- chris
MAMu_'s Icons 0.64 - The long awaited MAMu icons for MAME 0.64 have been released! You can find them, as always, here. X window conversions coming soon!
- chris
MACH 3 WIP - If you would like to help get this game playable in MAME, check out this MACH 3 WIP page.
- chris
Sunday, February 2nd 2003 - Last updated @ 17:42 EST
FBZX 1.0.1 - FBZX is another Sinclair Spectrum emulator for Linux (and probably other SDL based platforms), but with an special feature: it works with the framebuffer, so it can work at full speed and full screen. Its main features are extremely accurate emulation of screen and sound (both speaker and AY-3-8912 sound chip), emulation of joysticks (kempston, cursor, and Sinclair), and emulation of 48K (both issue 2 and issue 3), classic 128K, Plus 2, and Plus 2A. It supports Z80 snapshot files (both loading and saving) and TAP files (allowing normal loading or fast-speed loading).
- chris
Saturday, February 1st 2003 - Last updated @ 20:53 EST
Caprice32 v3.52 - Caprice32, the 32bit Amstrad CPC emulator has been updated. Changes are;
Drag and drop processing of disks
Snapshots and tapes, fully working CDT tape emulation,
New Mame Pr0n - Check out the new Mame WIP for details. ID's will be checked at the door. 18 or older please.
- Griking
Nebula 2.22a - Nebula 2.22a is has been officially released. Changes are;
Fixed wrong flash frames in MvsC.
Fixed some Dimahoo cheats not working (from the latest Mike_Haggar cheat collection file)
Fixed games crashing on 32 bit desktop
Fixed "Step Frame" button in the shots factory
Fixed Mega Twins music speed.
Fixed missing sprites in Forgotten Worlds
Fixed games crashing on 32 bit desktop
Fixed "Step Frame" button in the shots factory
Added a Winamp jukebox option. Be careful as it's abit different than how Kawaks works. You'll need to createa music mapping table (check the sample .TRK file inTRACKLST directory) and nebula will replace thesound codes you indicate by the mp3/cd track/ogg/wav/... you specify in that file. You must have winamp running before loading a game that you created track lists for. The option to enable/disable it is in the Sound menu. It only works with Winamp 2.x.
Improved the video plugin interface to support rendering plugins.
Added a preliminary graphics renderer based in Direct3D. I highly recommend using it if you want to run in 32 bit desktop or play rotated games (19xx,dimahoo) as it is a lot faster than the Hardware Blit one in these cases. Also it has some projection features and any bright
scanlines. Scanlines doesn't work well with rotated games. You'll need a video card with the following features:
- non square textures
- non power of 2 textures
- textures bigger than 256x256 pixels (sorry, no voodoo)