All regulars from IRC channels
such as #retrogamers surelly know Tigga, the hot and flaming girl which
makes all men blowing out. She hasn't made any emulator, nor participated
at any famous emulation news page... But, on a certain way, she makes our
lives happier by bringing us all her unique and devilish style. In an unexpected
and surprising run, I had the chance to conduct an interview with this
famous and very kind figure...
Review of an exhuberant emu fan !
Before the real interview, Tigga and myself wanted to share some quotes before the begining of the thingy...
* Tigga yawns....
Tigga: Lol Sorry... Didnt realise we started :)Yuu: OK, first, please present yourself.Tigga: Lol
Tigga: Can we start again :) Sorry...
Yuu: Yeah !! LoL* Tigga chuckles...
Yuu: That's your first interview ?
Tigga: Yeah...I can't think why anyone would want to interview me !! Lol
Ok.. When you're ready !
Yuu: Ready ?
Tigga: Ready !!
Yuu: Go !
Tigga: OK
Yuu: OK, first, I will ask you to introduce yourself
Tigga: Ok. Hi I'm Tigga.. I'm 23ish a from a village close to Birmingham in the United Kingdom.
* Tigga wonders if that is enoughYuu: Would you mind telling us your real name and also where your nick tigga comes from ?
Tigga: My real name's Kelly. Tigga is a nickname I aquired some time ago that has stuck.Yuu: Immediatly, a very anticipated question: what are your mensurations ?
Tigga: Lol... 320x240
Yuu: Good one !! LoLYuu: Despite emulation and video games, have you some hobbys ?
Tigga: I enjoy Music..and the club scene. My faverite groups are Cappella and 24/7 but my faverite song has to be "Lean on me by Red Box!!" but I cant find it anywhere...mp3 anyone <Cough>
Yuu: Well, the request is send, if someone has the mp3, or even the original CD, please e-mail her. About Cappella, how do you felt when the two singers were fired out and replaced ?
Tigga: Lol...They were fired !! Lol... I guess U got to Know they were fired before you could answer that one Lol!
Yuu: Yeah, they were fired because they took big head, and acted like stars such as Elton John, if you sen what I mean. So, they have been fired and replaced. But, the new formation hasn't had any success. Don't remember they even released a second album for the band. Anything else to request ?
Tigga: Yes!! HOUSE by doug lazy (the kraftwerk version). Lol It rocks...MP3!!
Yuu: Request is done ! Please think about Tigga and send it her ! Thanks for her.
Tigga: Special Tiggacam for the winner Lol :)
Yuu: And for me ? ^^;
Tigga: A slap for being cheeky ;)Yuu: What introduced you into the emulation world ?
Tigga: I've always loved Pacland... He's cute! In fact most of the game I first played involved cute things... Bubble Bobble...Bombjack... no (but he did have a cute hard hat lol!!) Seriously tho...I did work experience while I was at school at Elite Systems in Aldridge (they made the conversions of Bombjack and Commando to name a few... I loved them and played them a lot...and I guess got the thrill then I get now!Yuu: Interesting job you had ! But, how have you discovered emulation ?
Tigga: Hmmm..a long time ago.. My brother had a spectrum emulator for the C64. I thought it was great! And er...ever since it's been a natural progression for me to try any emu that comes out..Yuu: So, you have near been always into video games and emulation at its debuts. When have you joined the Internet emulation scene ?
Tigga: I joined the internet emu scene around Mame 24 (About 18 months ago...maybe even longer!)
* Tigga asks permission to open a bottle of bud.Yuu: Under which circumstances have you been told about MAME ? Did someone introduced you (Your brother ?) ?
Tigga: Yeah....He showed me Bombjack up and running on his pc. And that was it !! I just HAD to have my own PC...(and cam :)Yuu: Yeah, about the cam, we will spoke about it later. First, let's keep into emu thingys. Have you been playing into the arcades, or were you much into home video games ?
Tigga: I have my own arcade machine in my bedroom... Its a standard machine but it allows me to fire up Bombjack and Pacland wheneven i want to. Dont get me wrong - Mame's emulation is fantastic...but I guess the feeling of a real machine cannot me emulated so well. As far as consoles are conserned apart from Sonic the Hedgehog (cute butt) and Namco [Classics Museum] 4 on the PlayStation i can't really say i've had that much to do with them... Hey ! A girls got to have a social life !Yuu: I totally agree with you. Real life is better, whatever it is about arcade or social life. I think understanding that your favorite games are about cute characters...: Despite the game characters, have you a favorite kind of game ?
Tigga: I love Outrun... I played it on holiday 2 novembers ago in Lanzeotte... Just before System 16 with Outrun was released I couldnt wait to get home ! Faverite kind of game? Stereiotypical Female answer : platform. But..yes I do enjoy platform games.. and driving games!! Hard Drivin' where are you !!!Yuu: How have you reacted when you heard that a game featuring you and NAZ was in preparation ?
Tigga: There's a game featuring me a Naz? Lol.. What can i say. Its an honour to be on the same irc channel as Naz not to mention this forthcomming game. To be honest, i've not heard that much about it. As long as its good fun and a laugh I think it's got to be a good idea, as long as Naz doens't "dump" me ;)
Yuu: Well, the name of the game will be NAZ - Looking for the lost CPS-2 bootleg board. There will be a secret stage for adults where NAZ will have to dump you. The idea went out from a topuic where you said "TiggaHot - Hey, NAZ, if I was your girlfriend, would you dump me ?"...Yuu: You have a classy taste about game. I couldn't blame (Bleem ?) you about... BTW, what is your point of view about the upcoming emulation of such systems like the Nintendo64 and the PlayStation ?
Tigga: Lol Nintendo 64 and PSX emulation... Tricky. A waist of good tallent is my honest view. Whilst I'm in no position to suggest or guide anyone into what to emulate i feel the classics should be delt with first and maybe... some time in the future worry about psx and n64. Emulation should not be rushed.Yuu: What is your favourite game of all times ?
Tigga: Fav game of all time...Gals Panic. No!! Just kidding...erm Bubble Bobble. Or Puzzle Bobble...Yuu: Once again, what a great taste you have ! Ahem... ^^;
Tigga: Lol You wouldnt think i had taste if you could see the guy i'm with at the moment !!* Yuu private quote: you have a photo ?
Yuu: What is the emulator you use the most, and with which game ?
Tigga: I guess i use Mame. I adore Mame. Mame has cost me serveral boyfriends but made me so many good friends on IRC. I also think CCS64 is cool. I play monty on the run all the time at work.... lolYuu: Have you ever thought about writing an emulator ?
Tigga: Nope. I'm not bright enough.Yuu: OK, now a few questions about you and the IRC. You have became the egery of the IRC among all men. What does it makes you feel ?
* Tigga blushes....
Yuu: He, he... ^^;
Tigga: Erm... We are all good friends... and we all have a good time and share the same interest. Whist i'm certainly not the only female on Efnets #retrogamers channel... I like to have a laugh..wind people up and flirt. BUT this is only the sort of think that would happen if we were all sitting round a table in the local pub. No difference.
Yuu: Here is something enough to broke some hearts, though...
Tigga: Really !! I hope not - its all just fun !Yuu: You talked about your Cam, the well-known TiggaCam... What pushed you to set it up ?
Tigga: TiggaCam... I had a site and got about 300 hits in 3 months. This was not enought to get a sponsor !! So i thought...what the hell take your clothes off !!! and TiggaCam was born. 9000 hits in 3 weeks. I really should get into a marketing job. Lol.
Yuu: Take your clothes off ? You have been naked on this cam ??
Tigga: Lol...Almost.
Tigga's "Go Retro !" famous picture* Tigga points out it was all done taistfully :)
Yuu: Well, my nose is bleeding, give a few secs for getting back normal... ^^;
* Tigga slaps IT on the head. Down boy !Yuu: Well, about this so famous "Go retro !" photo, many guys were angry that you kept your bra...
* Yuu is saving the picture... (Mighty I am !!)
Tigga: I guess... But i'm angry that Pole Position isnt emulated...Lifes a bitch !* Yuu private quote: Women and driving...
Yuu: Well, maybe the most anticipated question for all IRC users... When will You update the TiggaCam ?
Tigga: Tiggacam will be updated whenever i feel wicked. Seriously, I have to be in a playful mood before the cam gets switched on.
Yuu: OK, so we will have to see the TiggaBottle for a while yet...
The famous TiggaBottle...Yuu: Why having cvalled your site Moneybox ? Have you special moods with money ?
Tigga: Moneybox... Really just the first thing I looked at when I got asked for a site name !
Yuu: LoL If I was Al Bundy, I would say: "You are a REAL woman !"
Tigga: Al Bundy has bad taise in Women. If I were a lesbian I'd say his daughter was kinda cute tho ;)
Yuu: I agree for Kelly ! (The dress she had tonight just blew me out)Yuu: What sites do you often visit on the Internet, among the emu scene, and among other kind of interest ?
Tigga: I visit most frequently.. Atila's humour really makes me giggle sometimes. Other include and I once was a firm regular to Daves Classics but after a snotty email I accidently deleted it from my faverited folder. Still I know he did a lot for the scene and I respect that.Yuu: About other kind of sites ?
Tigga: Other sites...ermm I really dont visit that many... I site on ICQ and fiddle with realplayer a bit and check my email every 10 minutes..Yuu: Before finishing, have you anything to say to all the emu fans all over the world ?
Tigga: Yes. We all love Emulation. Some like classic others like commercial. But what we should remember is not to become greedy. Greed will only kill the scene we all have grown to love. Lets enjoy what we have and be thankful we can enjoy it in the future...
Yuu: Well, Tigga, thank you very much for according me this pop-up interview.
As you may have guessed, this interview begun from scratch in a rush was quite funny and pleasant. Tigga and I have agreed to put some quotes took after the interview, for everybody's pleasure. Enjoy !
Tigga: Lol..keep the comments in !! Can you say a hello to netty for me :)Miscellaneous infos:
Yuu: That's said
Tigga: Ok thanks YUU ! Luv Tig.x
Yuu: He, he... ^^;;;
Tigga's photo on #retrogamers galleryYuu: once again, thanks a lot Tigga.
Tigga: Lol..I have no idea how on earth this'll turn out.
Yuu: Private: Seeing first your photo on the gallery, I thought you weren't a nice girl, but, finally, you are really cool. I want to say to everybody that I am happy to know you ! Thanks !! ^-^
Tigga: Its a crap picure...Mr Lance should get it updated !
Yuu: Yes, I think because the picture is crap... OK, I take the log, and turn it into lookable HTML !
Tigga: And put it where ????
Yuu: He, he, secret... All I can say is that it is a very well-known and respected site among emu scene, and that I have obtained the agree from its maintainer. Thanks Atila ! Oups... ;-) LoL
Tigga: Your Kidding...!!
Yuu: No, I am serious, Atila has agreed...
Tigga: Ok...Lol I'm dreading reading this..!!
Tigga's home page Tigga's Times:
Tigga's e-mail:
Yuu MORISATO's home page MORI no SATO:
Yuu MORISATO's e-mail:
Atila's home page RETROGAMES:
Atila's e-mail:
IRC: #Retrogamers (on EFnet)
Special thanks:
All my special thanks directly goes to Tigga
for being such a cool girl and keeping running the TiggaCam,
and Atila for providing some
web space for storing this interview and keeping running such a great than
Thank you very much !